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Tips for night time shooting. Nikon d90 with 50mm prime lens?
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Night Pictures | How to Take Night Photos from Nikon
- Shutter speeds that are likely to yield the best results: 1/15, 1/8, 1/4 second or longer—and you'll need VR or a tripod for those. For more advanced night …
How to take portrait at night with nikon d90?
- 1) Set your ISO to at least 800. Any higher you'll get noise that'll be hard to edit around, any lower your photo will turn out too dark. 2) Use a slower shutter speed. Make sure you use your tripod! Camera shake is the death of all good photos! 3) Set your aperture to a low f stop to let more light in. Genius Gene.
D90 night shots. Newbie, need advice - Digital …
- First of all you will need a good tripod. With the tripod you can then use low ISO to minimize noise and reasonable apertures to retain sharpness. As for shutter speed, you will have to experiment. Depending on what you are …
Nightclub photos! Help please! - Nikon News
- Hiya I have just joined the forum as after hours of looking through google I have just about given up. I have a nikon d90 and have a fair knowledge of the settings ect. I have been asked to take some pictures at a local party over the weekend but am having trouble getting the settings I want right.
Tips for night time shooting. Nikon d90 with 50mm prime lens?
- For night landscapes, trails etc you need a tripod. Shoot manual, have the ISO at 100 or 200 & the aperture about f11-f16 for good depth of field. Then expose for about 10 secs or so (city lights) & see how th image is. If its too dark, expose for longer, if it too light, expose fro less time. Orange colour is from white balance being off.
7 Coolest Tips and Tricks for Nightclub Photography
- Higher megapixel counts pick up much more detail, and this can make a difference when you look at the finished images. Commonly used camera bodies for concerts in Canon include the 5D line and 1Dx line. 6. Use a Lens With a Fast Aperture. A lot of the quality and final image look is based on the type of lens you use.
Nightclub Photography Tips&Tricks - Lens Magazine
- “Fixed” settings for nightclub photography: 1. Exposing for the background. Set the exposure mode to manual. This is essential as the background lighting is likely to be constantly varying due to the club light show and this will fool the cameras metering system.
Nightclub Photography: Nikon DX SLR (D40-D90, D3000 …
- I do tons of nightclub photography. For close up shots of patrons, I use a long shutter speed with 2nd Curtain Sync mode on my flash. Camera and flash are both in manual mode. 2nd curtain fires the flash at the end of the shot, not the beginning, which will help freeze your subjects even with a long shutter.
Photographing the Night Sky | Nikon
- For time-lapse photography of the stars in the night sky, use an aperture of about f/5.6 if the moon is full, f/2.8 if the moon is not full. In manual exposure mode, shoot a test shot at 10 seconds. “I would always recommend using the manual exposure mode to avoid the exposure changing from one frame to the next which can cause an annoying flicker in the final time-lapse movie,” …
28 Nikon D90 Tips ideas | photo tips, photography tips
- Apr 2, 2017 - Explore Beatriz Adriana Tovar's board "Nikon D90 Tips" on Pinterest. See more ideas about photo tips, photography tips, photography tutorials.
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