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Nico Bastone Fine Art Photography. Foto Palermo Sicily Italy
- Nico Bastone photographer in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Photos, images, pictures, pics, Black White, HDR High Dynamic Range, Landscapes, Portraits, Macro, Wallpapers ...
Nico Bastone Fine Art Photography - Home
- Photographer in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Photos, images, pictures, pics, Black White, HDR High Dynamic Range, Landscapes, Portraits, Macro, Wallpapers. Foto, fotos ...
Nico Bastone Photography - Comments on my work... 101 - 200
- Nico, I am in awe of your photography. You have captured the soul of the people and places around you. As an Italian-American, I think I can better understand the land where my grandparents came from. I envy your talent, it is a God-given gift. ... I thank Nico Bastone for the use of Italian Building sturctures. Plus the people such as "The ...
NEWS - LE ULTIME FOTO Nico Bastone Photography
- Copyright by Nico Bastone - Palermo, Sicily Island, Italy - All Rights Reserved
Nico Bastone Photography - Comments on my work... 001 - 100
- Dear Mr. Nico Bastone, I have no hesitation to say that they are very beautiful with excellent music and color is really relaxing to hear and see them. I congratulate you and wish you success for many such sites in future. Yours Truly, Shashikant Chaukulkar. Jason Dzjuk Tuesday, 28 November 2000, 15:14:56 Your site is amazing! I ...
Nico Bastone Photography - Comments on my work... 201 - 300
- DONNA BASTONE & ANTHONY (My Son) Danijela - Colonia, Germany April 26, 2003 09:07:13 PM Your photographs are absolutely a piece of your soul. Your eye for Photography is most evidenced in all your beautiful shots. Danijela from Colonia. Greg Danilsson - London, U.K. April 26, 2003 08:59:39 PM Nico, your portraits are outstanding.
Nico Bastone Photography - Comments on my work... 501 - 600
- i migliori foto che o visti fino ad oggi congratulazione a Nico bastone from Palermo tanti auguri da: Salvatore da Montreal Canada Speranza - Brasil February 21, 2008 05:06:32 PM Meraviglioso, riempie l'anima di gioia di chi é lontano della sua Casa!!! Adriana - Castellana Sicula PA, Italy February 09, 2008 06:14:17 PM
Nico Bastone Photography - Comments on my work... 301 - 400
- Ciao Nico casualmente mentre cercavo assistenza Polaroid ho visto il tuo nome su Google e mi sono guardato le tue foto in bw veramente belle, sai che a me piace solo il sapore antico delle cose anche delle foto. Spero che tu stia bene e Auguroni Maurizio August 08, 2004 12:45:07 PM ...
Home - Fotonique ® | Nico Bastens Photography
- Nico Bastens or Fotonique ® was born and raised in Maastricht, The Netherlands. He is an autonomous photographer who professionalized by following the 3-year study to professional photographer at the Nederlandse Fotovakschool. He graduaded in 2009, specialized in …
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