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Is Digital Medium-Format Photography Worth It?
- none
Opinion: Thinking about buying medium format? Read …
- Crop factors: APS-C (1.5 or 1.6), Full Frame (1), GFX Medium Format (.79) Thus, we can find out what an f/2.8 lens is on a GFX. (.79 x 2.8 = about 2.2) This means that if you have a lens faster than f/2.2 on Full Frame, you are able to get a brighter image than f/2.8 on Medium Format. Try this on whatever you want.
Is medium format photography worth it? Here's what a …
- Shooting with medium format makes you assess what you really need in your bag and what you really use – you don’t invest in kit that you know you won’t use often.”. Another consideration with medium format is that it offers a slight reduction in speed. “Shooting action is more challenging because there is a tiny delay in saving the files.
Medium Format Camera Reviews | Shutterbug
- The Phase One XF 100MP is a medium format camera with extremely high sensor resolution. It is a modular concept comprised of the Phase One XF camera body, which was introduced in the summer of 2015, and the brand-new IQ3 100MP digital back. The body has a 90-degree prism viewfinder and includes a Schneider-Kreuznach 80mm LS f/2.8 lens.
Best Medium Format Camera in 2022 (Bang for Buck)
- Hasselblad 907X 50C. Excellent image quality. Luxurious build. Weather …
10 Medium Format Cameras Review - Photo Retouching …
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Medium Format Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review
- Welcome to the Medium Format Talk Forum, the place to discuss techniques and technologies relating to medium format cameras, backs and accessories from Hasselblad, Phase One, Pentax, Fujifilm and others. Community moderators: Doppler9000, JimKasson, and Hamiltionian . New thread Subscribe.
The Upsides and Downsides of Digital Medium Format …
- Digital medium format is tricky when photographing humans: it actually makes us look uglier (because it captures ALL of our physical imperfections, acne, wrinkles, skin blemishes). Perhaps this is why Blu-Ray for porn hasn’t taken off (too much detail in pornography actually turns off people).
Beginner's Guide to Medium Format Photography
- In comparison, medium format film cameras can accept film that is bigger than small format and smaller than 100 × 130mm, the latter of which is considered to be the size of large format film. Medium format photography entered the digital realm back in 1991, with the introduction of a device that replaced the film holder on the back of an ...
Medium format : Digital Photography Review
- Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums.
Is a Medium Format Camera Worth It? - PhotographyTalk
- 4.5K. Photo by Steven Hanna on Unsplash Taken with a Fujifilm GFX 50S medium format camera. If you don’t know what a medium format camera is, it’s any camera that mimics 120 film size through a digital imaging sensor. There are a ton of benefits of medium format cameras, but they are namely used for fashion and advertising photography because these cameras are wildly …
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