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Astrophotography with an ETX 70 - Meade …
- The manual that accompanies the Meade ETX 70 says something to the effect "this telescope is not suitable for long exposure photography". …
Search results for: 'etx-70Meade ETX-70 70mm Refractor …
- Meade Instruments: A world leader in the manufacturing of Telescopes, Solar Telescopes, Microscopes, Optics, Binoculars, for amateur astronomers and hobbyists Search results for: 'etx-70Meade ETX-70 70mm Refractor Telescope' Telescopes, …
Meade ETX-70 - Discovery Telescopes
- Meade ETX Astro Telescopes, in four apertures, bring the full range of celestial images to your eye with astonishing levels of clarity, resolution, and definition. ETX- 70AT. $299 ($30 s&h) RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES. ETX-70AT Astro …
Meade #64ST Adapter for photography with the Meade …
- Meade 64ST Adapter #07366 for photography with the Meade ETX-60, ETX-70 and ETX-80 models. The #64ST Adapter threads securely to the rear photo …
Meade ETX-70AT Observing a Satellite, Photography with the ETX
- Photography through the ETX-60AT or ETX-70AT requires the addition of the optional #64ST
MEAD ETX 70 ANY GOOD?? - Stargazers Lounge
- Thought it was that one, what you need to consider is the Focal lengths, the Newtonian is an F5, where as the ETX90 is F13.8, and the Skymax is F11.8, the latter 2 are good for planetary viewing/imaging, the Newtonian is better for deep sky viewing/imaging, you can however use a x2 or x3 barlow to view/image the planets, with regards to optic's, it's a trade of …
Meade ETX-70AT as a lens for lunar photography
- Also the ETX-70 is nowhere near the ETX-90 in terms of resolution or quality, but it's decent enough to shoot the moon (so to speak):-) ... I have both a Meade ETX-60 and LX-90 and have used them both for astrophotography. The ETX-60 is similar to the ETX-70 with the exception of having a 60mm rather than 70 mm objective lens. ... So take your ...
Meade ETX-60AT / 70AT Astro Telescope – Cheap And …
- The Meade ETX 60AT and 70AT optical design is achromat refractor. Refracting telescope is using lenses to produce the image compared to reflecting telescope that uses mirrors. The numbers 60 and 70 means that the diameter (aperture) of the lens at the front is 60 or 70mm. meade etx-70
- 1-16 of 31 results for "meade etx-70" Meade Instruments 07366 No.64ST 35-Millimeter SLR Camera T-Adapter for ETX-60, ETX-70 and ETX-80 Series Telescopes (Black) ... Photography: East Dane Designer Men's Fashion: Fabric Sewing, Quilting & Knitting : Goodreads Book reviews & recommendations: IMDb Movies, TV & Celebrities: IMDbPro
Meade - #64ST Photo Adapter for ETX-60 & 70 | Telescopes
- Meade 64ST Adapter #07366 for photography with the Meade ETX-60, ETX-70 and ETX-80 models. The #64ST Adapter threads securely to the rear photo port of the ETX telescope. Output is a standard photographic T-thread to which many imaging devices including the Meade DSI will thread directly. For film based SLR cameras a T-Mount (not included) is ...
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