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Astrophotography with an ETX 70 - Meade …
- Page 1 of 2 - Astrophotography with an ETX 70 - posted in Meade Computerized Telescopes: The manual that accompanies the Meade ETX 70 …
Meade ETX-70 - Astromart
- Anyway, the ETX-70 can be found refurbished or used for between $125-$200 on the internet (I bought my refurb from Scopetronix, who sell through the Anacortes site also). I also bought the Meade #73 hard case for it. The deal I got on the scope came with the Meade #82 field tripod and a carrying case for the tripod.
Meade ETX-70 - Discovery Telescopes
- Specifications: ETX-70AT Astro Telescope - Includes achromatic refractor optical tube assembly (D = 70mm, F = 350mm, f/5) with multi-layer optical coatings; internal flip-mirror system for either straight-through or 90° observing position; …
Meade ETX 70 - Beginners Forum (No astrophotography)
- After looking at all your posts I decided to forego the ETX 70 because of it's age and with Electronics and mechanics that old I didn't won't to …
Meade ETX-60AT / 70AT Astro Telescope – Cheap And …
- The Meade ETX 60AT and 70AT optical design is achromat refractor. Refracting telescope is using lenses to produce the image compared to reflecting telescope that uses mirrors. The numbers 60 and 70 means that the diameter (aperture) of the lens at the front is 60 or 70mm.
Search results for: 'ETX-70AT Astro Telescope' - Meade …
- Meade #64ST Adapter for photography with the Meade ETX-60, ETX-70 and ETX-80 models . $20.99. Add to Cart. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. Meade Model 933 Image Erecting Prism for ETX-60, ETX-70 and ETX-80 Models . $63.99. Out of stock. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. ETX125 Observer Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope ...
MEAD ETX 70 ANY GOOD?? - Stargazers Lounge
- Thought it was that one, what you need to consider is the Focal lengths, the Newtonian is an F5, where as the ETX90 is F13.8, and the Skymax is F11.8, the latter 2 are good for planetary viewing/imaging, the Newtonian is better for deep sky viewing/imaging, you can however use a x2 or x3 barlow to view/image the planets, with regards to optic's, it's a trade of …
Meade ETX 70AT -
- This particular little Meade telescope has emotions running high, there are those who think it should be returned to Meade for a complete overhaul and those who think it works well. I have seen members at my Astronomy club getting very frustrated with this telescope, and others who rave about it.
Software & Firmware | Telescopes, Solar Telescopes ...
- NEW- USB to Serial Software v1.12.0 (Click to download) The Meade USB to serial cable provides the capability of using the USB port on a personal computer to connect to a conventional Meade RS232 serial device. This updated version enables the USB to Serial cable to be used with the following Windows operating systems: The 07507 RS232-USB cable ...
Search results for: 'ETX-70 telescope' -
- Meade #64ST Adapter for photography with the Meade ETX-60, ETX-70 and ETX-80 models . $20.99. Add to Cart. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. Meade Model 933 Image Erecting Prism for ETX-60, ETX-70 and ETX-80 Models . $63.99. Out of stock. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. Model S102mm Telescope ...
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