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Maroon 5 discovers young photographer on Flickr
- Maroon 5 discovers young photographer on Flickr. October 18, 2013. Most artists dream about being discovered by a celebrity, instantly catapulting them to success and stardom. Few actually experience it. But …
Maroon 5 discovers young photographer on Flickr | Flickr Blog
- Few actually experience it. But believe it or not, it happened to a young, unsuspecting photographer who was sought out on Flickr by one of the most popular bands on the planet. "Photography was really just a hobby for me," Rosie Hardy tells us in the accompanying video. "Never really in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be discovered by Maroon 5 and it would …
Teenage Photographer Discovered by Maroon 5...On …
- For Rosie Hardy, a teenage photographer in Manchester, England, it came more suddenly than she could ever have imagined. Rosie Hardy picked up photography at the age of fifteen simply because she...
Maroon 5 Discovered Amazing Photographer Rosie Hardy
- Maroon 5 Discovered Amazing Photographer Rosie Hardy. Lacy Langley. October 18, 2013. When Rosie Hardy, just a sweet girl of 15 at the time, was in search for the perfect MySpace picture for her own page, she never could have imagined that search would lead to where it has today. She is, in fact, the girl on the cover of Maroon 5 ‘s album “Hands All Over”.
19 Year Old Aspiring Photographer Discovered on Flickr …
- 19 Year Old Aspiring Photographer Discovered on Flickr by Maroon 5 Hanssie , 8 years ago For 15 year old Rosie Hardy, she picked up a point and shoot camera to do what most girls her age would do, to get a really good selfie for MySpace.
Maroon 5 discovers young photographer on Flickr –
- The Best of Texas High School Photography; Constitution/Bylaws; Links; Home; Blog; Events. Roughin’ It Road Trip; Summer Workshop 2021. Summer Workshop 2016 focuses on storytelling; ... Maroon 5 discovers young photographer on Flickr. Leave a comment Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment ...
Maroon 5 Discovers Young Photographer On Flickr
- Maroon 5 Discovers Young Photographer On Flickr Discussion in ' Inspirational Stuff ' started by Chris Dodkin , Oct 18, 2013 . Chris Dodkin West Coast Correspondent
Meet the voices of the Egyptian protests''Maroon 5 …
- On The RadarThe protests raging in the streets of Cairo are expected to grow evenlarger today following a call from the Egyptian military for its backers tos...
Maroon 5 discovers young... - Music Photographers
- Maroon 5 discovers young photographer on Flickr. Jump to. Sections of this page. Accessibility Help. Press alt + / to open this menu. Facebook. Email or phone ... Forgot account? or. Create new account. Not now. Related Pages. Rich Gastwirt Concert Photography - Artist. Tempting Fate. Musician/band. David Rawlings ...
Enshinka Datme - Maroon 5 discovers young …
- Maroon 5 discovers young photographer on Flickr. New and Lucky
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