Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Marnie Yeates Photography Competition and much more about photography.
Marnie Yeates Nature Competition... - Coffs Camera Club …
- Marnie Yeates Nature Competition is closing very soon. Numbers are down this year so take in those nature images and get them printed. All information …
Showcasing nature in Marnie Yeates photography …
- A SPIDER devouring a fly, a dew-drop covered butterfly and a pair of tawny frogmouths glowing in golden sunlight.
Nature Competition - C.ex Coffs Harbour Camera Club
- This competition was started by the family of the late Marnie Yeates who was a member of the camera club and loved nature photography. The winner will be presented with the Marnie Yeates Trophy for Nature Photography. The gallery is open 7 days, 10am to 4pm, John Champion Way, Coffs Harbour. Ph 6651 7343 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY
2021 C.ex Coffs Camera Club
- Over $700 in prizes CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: Friday 10thSeptember 2021 NATIONAL CARTOON GALLERY OPENING Friday 8thOctober 2021, 6pm Further enquiries please email or ring Michael 0448454720 or Annette 0403514680 C.ex Coffs Camera Club Nature Photography Competition –Marnie Yeates Trophy
2015 Marnie Yeates Nature... - Coffs Camera Club C.Ex
- 2015 Marnie Yeates Nature Photography Competition Entries are invited from all non-professional photographers resident in the Coffs Coast Area (Red Rock to Scotts Head and west to Dorrigo and...
Nature Gallery - C.ex Coffs Harbour Camera Club
- Winners of the 2016 Marnie Yeates Nature Photography Competition. Winners of the 2015 Marnie Yeates Nature Photography Competition. Winners of the 2014 Marnie Yeates Nature Photography Competition. Powered by Create your own unique website with …
Yeates Photography - Official Website
- Yeates Photography Art Collections Shop for artwork from Yeates Photography based on themed collections. Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Big Horn Sheep 111 Designs Mountain Goats 70 Designs Elk 67 Designs Cities 1 Designs Bluebirds
Creative Coast - Entries open for the Marnie Yeates.
- Entries open for the Marnie Yeates Photography Competition 2017 - closes 15th September 17. Details here
Coffs Ex-Services Camera Club presents the Marnie Yeates …
- MARNIE YEATES TROPHY - NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION Entry Form – to be submitted with entries ENTRIES CLOSE Saturday 21st July 2018 Photographer’s Family Name: First Name: Address: Email: (Email only to be used in relation to competition information) Telephone Number: For Youth Entry (under 19 years of age at closing date)
Very proud to announce I... - Rebecca Ludstrom …
- Very proud to announce I made the cut for the gallery photos selected in the Marnie Yeates Nature Photography Competition. I knew I wasnt going to …
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