Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Marcus Nilsson Photographer Biography and much more about photography.
Marcus Nilsson | Photo Photography
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Ashley Klinger & Co. - photographers - Marcus Nilsson
- Marcus Nilsson found his way to photography via food. He originally came to New York from Sweden as a sous chef to Marcus Samuelson, but soon transitioned from the kitchen to behind the camera. His creative eye is not limited to food, capturing still life and portraits with the same creative flair. CLIENTS. Coca- Cola, Hershey's, Rao's Homemade, Sir Kennsington's, Uber Eats, …
Marcus Nilsson | Photo Photography
- Marcus Nilsson found his way to photography through food. He originally came to New York as a sous chef from Sweden but soon transitioned from the kitchen to behind the camera. His photographic work is not limited to food – he also captures still life and portraits, and does this with the same creativity he tackles his food projects with. He has a strikingly original angle on …
Ashley Klinger & Co. - Marcus Nilsson
- Marcus Nilsson is a New York City based photographer. He found his way to photography via food. He originally came to New York from Sweden as a sous chef to Marcus Samuelson, but soon transitioned from the kitchen to behind …
General 6 — Marcus Nilsson
- AWARDS: 2016. Folio: Ozzie Award Winner: Martha Stewart Living "A Date in the Desert." 2014. American Photography 30: Bon Appetit "Seal of Approval." 2013. SPD 48 Gold Medal. Photo feature: Black Ink Mag “Guts of the Beast." SPD 48 Silver Medal.
Marcus Nilsson
- Hong Kong, Airbnb Magazine. NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE. Plenty
Marcus Nilsson Food Photographer By Sierra Mo Hurt
- Biography of Marcus Nilsson • Born in Sweden and worked as a sous chef to Marcus Samuelson before he went back to school for fine arts. • Went to both culinary school and then went back to study fine arts to study drawing and painting. • Took a black and white photography 101 class and fell in love with photography.
PPT - Marcus Nilsson Food Photographer PowerPoint …
- Marcus Nilsson Food Photographer. By: Sierra Mo Hurt. Biography of Marcus Nilsson. Born in Sweden and worked as a sous chef to Marcus Samuelson before he went back to school for fine arts. Went to both culinary school and then went back to study fine arts to study drawing and painting....
Marcus Nilsson on Creating ‘Lived In’ Food Photography
- Nilsson shot portraits, food and vignettes of strip clubs near the restaurant, while working closely with Yenbamroong—and no art director or stylist. Nilsson says he’s committed to experimenting, even at the risk of failing. He’d rather not rest on his past successes. “You’ve got to move on because life moves on and you develop.
Celebrated Food Photog Marcus Nilsson Dishes on …
- Marcus Nilsson thinks outside the box. A former chef, Nilsson stumbled into food photography and ended up being one of the photographers who shaped our contemporary approach to cuisine. Today ...
Ashley Klinger & Co. - Marcus Nilsson / Portrait
- photographers' representative | 212.564.0216 | [email protected]
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