Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Marat Dupri Photography and much more about photography.
Stock Photo and Image Portfolio by Marat Dupri
- Photo and image portfolio by Marat Dupri, featuring 80 high-quality, royalty-free images.
Marat Dupri photography — Designcollector
- Marat Dupri photography. November 15, 2012 by Arseny Vesnin in Photography, Portfolios, Russia. Marat Dupri is a young photographer from Moscow. He cannot imagine his life without traveling and therefore passes his time photographing in extremal heights.
Marat Dupri | Shutterstock
- About Marat Dupri on Shutterstock - Currently specialised on abandoned objects and travelling. Also i have a passion of rooftop photography
10 Most Breathtaking Photos On Sky High Buildings …
- Skywalking is the latest photography trend among Russian teens. The idea is simple. Find a really high building, climb to the very top and stand at its very edge. You would feel like you’re on the top of the world. If you have a …
Real-life sky walker Marat Dupri's photos of the world …
- Meet the real-life sky walker - the photographer who risks his life scaling sky-high buildings to take incredible photos of the world below. …
Photo Beauty: Photography by Marat Dupri
- Photography by Marat Dupri Beautiful photographs from the height by Marat Dupri, beginner photographer, who captures travel and urban photography. via Photographist. Posted by photo arts at 10:43 PM. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest.
A student takes photos in the sky - Russia Beyond
- Meet Russian student Marat Dupri, a real-life sky walker - a photographer who risks his life scaling buildings to take incredible photos of …
Marat Dupri | Oddity Central - Collecting Oddities
- 19-year-old Marat Dupri is one such teenager who engages in skywalking. He risks his life quite casually, scaling sky-high buildings and capturing photographs of the world below.
21 Examples of You-Fall-You-Die Photography - Matador …
- 21 Examples of You-Fall-You-Die Photography With the World’s Most Insane Skywalkers. Extreme Sports Galleries. Darmon Richter. Feb 25, 2014 ... Marat Dupri, Russia. The youngest roof-topper on our list, Marat has only been taking photographs for a couple of years. He started out climbing buildings in Russia with his friends, but his passion ...
PHOTOS: Russians teen scales skyscrapers to shoot
- Marat Dupri, a 19-year-old student, has become famous for scaling sky-high structures - without any safety gear - and dangling over the edge to capture shots from a perspective never seen before.
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