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How to do macro photography with Nikon D40 - how to …
- How to do macro photography with Nikon D40. Macro photography allows us to see the world from a different perspective. Extreme close-up photos can be mesmerizing, and will add a different dimension to your photography toolbox – which consequently means that your reputation as a photographer will improve drastically.
Macro Lenses for Nikon D40 (updated 2021) - The Lens Guide
- Macro Lenses for Nikon D40. Below you will find all Macro Lenses registered on Lensora that are compatible with Nikon D40. You see the focal length that you will experience with Nikon D40 and if you click on "Info" you can read more about Nikon D40 and the actual lens, as a combination. If you want to know more about different lens categories and technologies, please visit our …
Nikon D40 Macro lenses - LensHero
- Nikon Nikkor PC-E Micro 85mm f/2.8D. " Sharp, fast, easy to use, unparalleled perspective control for DSLR photography. " Tilt-shift. Incredible selective focus. Tilt-shift. Yes.
Photography with a Nikon D40 - Macro, Landscapes, …
- WATCH IN HD AND FULLSCREENPlease, comment if you have any questions, I'll reply as soon as I can. Subscribe for upcoming videos, rate positive if you like.Mu...
Easy Macro Photography with the AF-S DX Micro-NIKKOR …
- When talking about shooting macro photography, there really is no such thing as too close for comfort. In fact, the closer you can get to your subject, the better. Combine that idiom with the capabilities of the AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G lens—a DX lens that allows you to focus 6.4” from your subject—and your next photos will not only be up close, but very personal.
For Nikon D40 users, which macro lens is best?
- Since macro work doesn't depend on speed, the D40's ability to mount old non-Ai 55mm Micro Nikkors is a huge advantage. These were some of the sharpest lenses Nikon made. eBay's usually clogged with these at very low prices--cheap enough for some experimentation. gary_watson, Feb 8, 2008. #1.
5 Nikon D40 Astrophotography Tips To Improve Your …
- Nikon D40 is a compact and easy-to-use digital camera that is considered excellent for astrophotography. It comes packed with features that can make your night time shots perfect in every way. Some of such notable features include the 6 MP DX CCD, 3D color matrix meter, wide ISO range, auto ISO detection, three AF sensors, and a powerful magnifier.
A good macro lens for a Nikon D40 | ePHOTOzine
- Cracking lens, especialy with the DG coating. To be honest the Tamron 90mm and sigma 105mm lenses come up time and time again as budget lenses that are optically very close/just as good as the ...
Best settings for macro shots?: Nikon DX SLR (D40-D90, …
- Nikon D40 Nikon D90 Nikon D610 Nikon D500 Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D +10 more. ... Macro photography follows all the same rules as any other photography. You need light and you get it either with shutter speed and/or aperture.
The 6 Best Nikon D40 Lenses for All Types of Photography
- The Nikon Micro-Nikkor 40mm f/2.8G is the best choice for getting started with macro and close-up photography with the Nikon D40. As far as modern macro lenses go, the lens is relatively inexpensive. It also has a high-quality autofocus motor and uses current optics. This means the lens can also be used for general photography.
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