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Meade LX200 GPS for Astrophotography - Cloudy Nights
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LX200Gps & Astrophotgraphy
- LX200Gps and Astrophotography. Here are a few things I have learnt with respect to using an LX200Gps with a wedge and CCD: If visual don t waste your time, energy and money in going polar. Perm setup is a must. I would spend 2 hours each night setting it up with a rough polar alignment. (Alt/Azi took 10-20 mins) Nights went by where I decided ...
Astronomy How To: The Meade LX200GPS Schmidt …
- The LX200 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes are based on the reflector (or mirror) design – except these telescopes use a “corrector lens”, a primary mirror, and a secondary mirror to focus the light. This design basically …
Meade LX200GPS Telescopes - OpticsPlanet
- Make sure to look at our original Meade LX200 GPS Telescope Accessories - Special Meade LX200GPS Telescope Eyepiece Kits, Meade LX200 GPS Telescope Cases, individual Meade Telescope Eyepieces, Meade Camera Adapters for … | Best camera for Astrophotography with …
- Subject: Re: [LX200GPS] Best camera for Astrophotography with LX200 GPS Canon, like Nikon and Pentax, makes a series of lower-cost prime (aka fixed focal length) lenses known generically as Phantastic Plastic, usually optimized for APS-C chips. | Astrophotography problem with LX200
- To expand on LdB's Formula racing comparison, I would say the LX200GPS is a F1, not a F3. But it's a Williams, with the same engine as the race-winning Mercedes, (the OTA), but its chassis and aerodynamics package puts it at the back of the grid (the mount). But by only 2 seconds in a 90 second lap, about 2.2%.
Used Meade LX200GPS as first scope? - Beginners Forum (No ...
- Used Meade LX200GPS as first scope? - posted in Beginners Forum (No astrophotography): Good Evening Cloudy Nights, I have been looking for a telescope for a number of weeks for myself and to hopefully get my two childeren interested in space. I have been a long time fan but havent done much for actual astronomy in 25 years or so. After seriously …
Astrophotography problem with LX200
-; Messages; Astrophotography problem with LX200; ... Hi all, I find astrophotography greatly rewarding, but very frustrating at times too. There's always the next improvement to be made, finding and eliminating the gremlins. I realise many say the fork mount of the LX200 (not to mention being F10) is not particularly good for ...
LX200 Astrophotography --Page 1--
- If I remember correctly, the formula is. field size = 2*atan (film size / (2* flocal length)) * 60. Where film size and focal length are in mm and field size is in arcminutes. In the 8" LX200 case at 2000 mm with 35mm film, the field size we get 60.2 arcminutes, or about 1 degree.
LX200 GPS - INDI Library
- The lx200gps supports many extended features over the conventional Autostar based telescope. The lx200gps driver specfically supports: GPS Power Control. GPS Status (Sleep, Wakeup, Restart). GPS System Update. Syncing client with GPS time and location. OTA Temperature Update. Anti-backslash controls for all axis. Selenographic Sync.
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