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Linda Okamura at Los Angeles City College
- I had Linda Okamura one semester. Every class she repeats half the lecture for the entire class. she doesn't like a busy street photography shot, power lines, or people on the background. so say you take a photo of the beach where there are always people, you can forget that she will like that. just the same with power lines. 100 photos a week.
View Linda Okamura Professor Ratings | College Parent Central
- Professor Linda Okamura is an excellent teacher. She wants you to be able to put to use what you learn. Because of her dedication and knowledge I advanced, in my field of study, as a professional photographer. I am most grateful to have taken this class. I learned a lot because of her teaching method and I highly recommend her.
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Visual & Media Arts - Faculty & Staff - Los Angeles City …
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Linda Okamura
- I learned a lot from Professor Okamura. I am a graphic designer and found her class to be most helpful with my work. I made my present client very happy with what I was able to co
Linda Okamura Profiles | Facebook
- People named Linda Okamura. Find your friends on Facebook. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Log In. or. Sign Up. Linda Okamura. See Photos. Linda Okamura. See Photos. Linda Okamura.
PHOTO 007 - Exploring Digital Photography - Coursicle
- PHOTO 007 - Exploring Digital Photography. Description. ... Linda Okamura, Mike Tsai, Nicole Belle, Stephanie Allespach. Open Seat Checker. Get notified when PHOTO 007 has an open seat. Schedule Planner. Add PHOTO 007 to your schedule. Recent Semesters. Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020 ...
Linda Okamura on Etsy
- Linda Okamura on Etsy. Etsy. Browse Close search Search for items or shops ...
- Hi there and thank you for the message. I will get back to you as soon as possible - hang tight!
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