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Insect Photography Tips | Lighting And Accessories
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Up Close and Personal: The Wild World of Insect …
- For insect photography, I would recommend choosing a macro lens with at least 90mm. There should be enough space between you and the …
Creating Stunning Macro Photography of Insects
- One of the main challenges to shooting macro photography of insects is the incredibly shallow depth of field (area in focus) created by macro lenses. A wide-open aperture (typically f/2.8) allows in good amounts of light. …
Photographing Insects | Close-up Photography Tips
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Insect Photography Tips | It's All In The Lens - Picture Power
- By using a bellows you won't have to add or replace extension tubes based on your location to the insect. Light is often lost inside the bellows (even though it is light tight). To overcome this loss of light you want to make sure your are taking pictures on a sunny day or you bring the necessary insect lighting accessories with you.
Photographing Insects in the Field: Basic Tips for Success
- This lovely beetle (Hispinae sp.) demonstrates the value of using a focusing light for low-light photography. The focusing light allowed us to see the interesting texture of this beetle and then efficiently focus on it for photographs. This is the only specimen we’ve ever seen, and we had just a few seconds to get shots before pouring rain sent insects and …
Photographing Insects in the Field: Know Your Equipment
- A properly diffused twin flash in experienced hands can produce a beautifully lit insect photo. However, in field photography, they have a major drawback: The twin arms and flash heads are bulky enough that it’s easy to unintentionally bump a branch or clump of leaves and spook your subject or send it skittering to the ground.
Lighting Tips for Macro Photography, with Lester Lefkowitz
- 6. The mysterious realms of miniscule objects, colorful flora and creepy-crawly bugs hold a fascination for image makers of all sorts. Most photographers know that capturing images on such an intimate scale requires a macro lens or special accessories to allow for close focusing, but another critical component is the lighting.
Lighting for Macro Photography
- Macro photography is great for exploring new worlds that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye. You can turn ordinary, boring subjects into fascinating ones. A closeup photograph’s composition is 80% determined by the lighting, therefore it is the single most important element a macro photographer should have complete control over. With good lighting your […]
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