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Photography & Digital Media - Long Beach City College
- Students completing this certificate will be able to create advanced photography and digital media using still and motion images, new media and sound, installation and performance, exhibition and publication, and history of photography. Throughout the course, an emphasis is placed on creating a balance between creative and technical skills.
Photography - Long Beach City College - LBCC
- 1305 E. Pacific Coast Highway. Long Beach, CA 90806. (562) 938-4111. Read more. Campus Footer Link January 17, 2019.
Photography Suite | Linn-Benton Community College
- You will get a crash course in all the features and controls on your camera that can be used to elevate your photos and learn photo editing techniques for professional-looking images. By the end of this series, you'll be well on your way to becoming a skilled photographer. 72 Course Hrs Read More... SHARE Details Requirements Instructor
Discover Digital Photography | Linn-Benton Community …
- Lesson 5 - Phone and Tablet Photography Lesson 6 - The Digital Darkroom Lesson 7 - Digital Photography Online Lesson 8 - Digital Printing Lesson 9 - A Changing Society Lesson 10 - Scanning and Restoring Photos Lesson 11 - Traveling With Digital Equipment Lesson 12 - Composing Digitally Requirements Prerequisites:
Program: Art - Long Beach City College
- The Art program at Long Beach City College provides students instruction in the visual arts whether beginning, advanced, or professional with a single class, general education courses, or a course of study, leading to transfer, Associate Degree, a studio art certificate, or vocational certificate.
Department: Visual & Media Arts - Long Beach City College
- Introductory classes establish a technical and critical understanding of visual and media language and lead to more advanced studies in which students create and exhibit their work. All programs offer associate degrees and certificates, preparing students for a four-year college or university, entry-level work and/or professional advancement.
Program: Digital Media Arts - Long Beach City College
- The Fundamentals of Digital Media Arts Program is designed to prepare students for a multidisciplinary work environment while focusing on the creative uses of digital technology. This interdisciplinary program gives students the training and skills to meet the constantly changing demands from today’s digital media marketplace. Degrees ...
LBCC -Schedule of Classes
- 4901 East Carson Street, Long Beach CA 90808; 1305 East Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach CA 90806; 562.938.4111
Community Education | LBCC
- At LBCC, we offer a wide variety of community classes to support your growth and interests. Learn to cook, dance, or make art. Complete pre-training for a professional certification, take driver’s ed, or develop your professional skills. See our links below for our summer 2022 classes. Registration for summer begins Monday, May 16.
Linn-Benton Community College - Courses
- CA8. - Culinary Arts Hosp Services. CA - Culinary Arts Transfer. CAT - Computed Tomography. CE6. - Civil Engineering Vocational. CEM - Civil Engineering. CH - Chemistry. CIS - Computer Information Systems.
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