Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Lawrence Collection Irish Photographs and much more about photography.
The Lawrence Collection ¦ O’Brien’s Ireland ¦ Archives of …
- The Lawrence Collection is a collection of photos from 19th Century Ireland, that show the character of Irish Towns and Villages of Ireland between1870 – 1905. Browse this collection to find a photo of Your Town Your Your Village Your Heritage of Your Great grandparents footprints. Each Photograph is beautiful finished ,so that they will be ...
Lawrence Collection - National Library of Ireland
- Lawrence Collection. The Lawrence Collection consists of 40,000 glass plate negatives from 1870-1914. The images were produced commercially and capture scenes of that period throughout Ireland. The bulk of the outdoor images were taken by Robert French, the Lawrences' chief photographer. Eden Quay, Dublin ca. 1890 (Ref.: LROY3114).
Ireland, Lawrence Collection of photographs, 1870 - 1910
- The Lawrence Collection, one of the most significant early photographic collections documenting Ireland, consists of some 40,000 glass-plate negatives taken between 1870 and 1910. Chief photographer Robert French traveled to every county in Ireland taking pictures, and many of the photos were reproduced on postcards and in albums during the ...
Collection Items: The Lawrence Photograph Collection
- Show/hide more info. The Lawrence Photographic Collection is made up of several sections. There are 738 boxes of ca. 9122 cabinet glass plates which measure 19 x 13 cm. They are numbered 1-9563 and are catalogued and digitised under the name Lawrence and call number LCAB on the online catalogue. Imperial glass plates measure 31 x 25 cm and ...
Collection Items: Lawrence Photographic Project Collection
- The Lawrence Collection in the National Library of Ireland consists of about 40,000 glass plate photographic negatives of Irish scenes dating from the period 1870 to 1910. The Lawrence Photographic Project 1990/1991 was a nationwide endeavour coordinated by the Federation of Local History Societies and the Federation for Ulster Local Studies ...
The Lawrence Photograph Collection - National Library of …
- Show/hide more info. The Lawrence Photographic Collection is made up of several sections. There are 738 boxes of ca. 9122 cabinet glass plates which measure 19 x 13 cm. They are numbered 1-9563 and are catalogued and digitised under the name Lawrence and call number LCAB on the online catalogue. Imperial glass plates measure 31 x 25 cm and ...
Lawrence Collection Of Photographs
- Title: Lawrence Collection Of Photographs, Laois County Library Overview: ... National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Ireland Telephone +353 1 603 02 00 Size 100 photographs. Priority for Digitisation Medium. Access Type Open/Reference. Catalogued Yes.
Collections - National Library of Ireland
- A collection created in 1991, replicating 1,000 Lawrence Collection photographs, to record the changing landscapes of Ireland. Cardall Collection This collection contains 5000 negatives from the Cardall postcard firm; the images date from the 1940’s – 1960’s.
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