Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Kevin Su Photography Vancouver and much more about photography.
Kevin Su Photography
- This is a summer of exploration of my own backyard in Beautiful British Columbia. Once you break our of the Whistler and vancouver bubble the rest of BC is actually very barren and uninhabited. The logging dirt roads, small rural town and pristine scenery speak of a rich culture.
Kevin Su Photography: Shooting in Vancouver
- It has been a very productive 3 days in Vancouver. I have been scouting locations all over the new developments along false creek. ... wow!! cool shot kevin! Reply Delete. Replies. Reply. Anonymous April 29, 2010 at 5:59 PM. nice kev, liking that tunnel shadow shot. Reply Delete. Replies. Reply. coastalsoul April 30, 2010 at 9:41 PM. great work ...
Kevin Su Photography: Vancouver Convention Center
- The first time I saw the new Vancouver Convention Center I was blown away by this architectural masterpiece. I returned several times and finally shot it during the perfect light. ... Stephen Govel Photography. New Blog Site! 12 years ago About Me. ksuphoto View my complete profile. Blog Archive 2010 (28) November (1)
Kevin Su Photography: April 2010
- The new look of Kevin Su Photography. So after my recent spasm of creativity I decided to update my business card. ... Shooting in Vancouver. It has been a very productive 3 days in Vancouver. I have been scouting locations all over the new developments along false creek. I have had two successful shoots so far and working on 2 more before the ...
Kevin Su Photography: Vancouver Sun Run
- Several tens of thousands of people ran, walked, wheeled and jogged 10 kilometers through the Vancouver downtown area. The energy in the city was infectiously positive and shooting the race was a blast. I utilized my ninja skills and was able to infiltrate the starting line fence and posed as another media photographer.
Kevin Su Photography: May 2010
- This is a photo journal that peers into the life of Kevin Su a photographer based in Vancouver.
Kevin Su Photography: April 2009
- Several tens of thousands of people ran, walked, wheeled and jogged 10 kilometers through the Vancouver downtown area. The energy in the city was infectiously positive and shooting the race was a blast. I utilized my ninja skills and was able to infiltrate the starting line fence and posed as another media photographer.
Kevin Su | Mechanical Engineer | Vancouver, British Columbia
- Kevin Su is a skilled mechanical engineer and designer located in Vancouver, British Columbia. With 8 years of technical and project experience focused in the building systems sector, Kevin brings an extensive amount of knowledge from the perspective of an engineer. He graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Applied ...
Kevin Su Photography: June 2009
- The first time I saw the new Vancouver Convention Center I was blown away by this architectural masterpiece. I returned several times and finally shot it during the perfect light. ... Stephen Govel Photography. New Blog Site! 12 years ago About Me. ksuphoto View my complete profile. Blog Archive 2010 (28) November (1)
Meet Kevin Su | Vancouver, BC Mechanical Engineer & Designer
- Kevin has held positions as a mechanical engineer/product designer and project engineer and numerous different companies. In January of 2019 Kevin was the Project Engineer & Project Manager of tenant improvement renovations from a warehouse space to a GMP compliant distribution center.
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