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Home - Kerry Skarbakka
- Kerry Skarbakka is an artist working at the intersection of studio arts, performance and constructed photography. The core of his practice examines the complexities of existence, control and the vulnerabilities of the human condition through performative physical acts and expanded roles of identity. A 2005 Creative Capital Grantee, his works have been exhibited …
The falling man: the art of Kerry Skarbakka - in pictures
- Arizona-based artist Kerry Skarbakka has received both awards and death threats for his controversial 'falling man' images. His work in …
Kerry Skarbakka: Falling | Aperture | Summer 2005
- with the aid of ropes and rigging normally used for rock-climbing, photographer kerry skarbakka has produced a compelling series of photographs titled "the struggle to right one self." IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS, FROM DOMESTIC SETTINGS TO A HALF-COLLAPSED BUILDING IN SARAJEVO, SKARBAKKA APPEARS, LEAPING FROM STAGGERING HEIGHTS, LEVITATING …
Kerry Skarbakka's Photographs Explore Fear Of Falling …
- Jan 11, 2013, 08:32 AM EST | Updated Dec 6, 2017. If you've ever fallen off your bike, slipped in the shower or tripped on the steps you've experienced that brief moment of flying before you hit the ground. This frightening and powerless state is the subject of photographer Kerry Skarbakka 's series "The Struggle To Right Oneself." Inspired by the death of his mother …
Falling Photos Force Us to Face Our Fundamental Fears
- Photographer Kerry Skarbakka wants to capture the feeling you get when you're about to eat it -- wrecking your bike, tripping down the stairs -- and you know it. The ground comes flying up and for ...
Kerry Skarbakka : the Falling Photographer
- The 'falling photographer' - as he is known by many - was inspired to begin his "The Stuggle to Right Oneself” collection following a major world event Credit: KERRY SKARBAKKA / BARCROFT MEDIA
Kerry Skarbakka: Falling Artist Suspended In Time | Art …
- 2 December 2009: Kerry Skarbakka photographs himself falling from trees, jumping off bridges and in the midst of fires – all in the name of art. Inspired by the helplessness he felt after the 9 ...
Photographer Shoots Scary Self-Portraits Showing …
- Photographer and photography professor Kerry Skarbakka photographs himself falling. The concept sounds simple and straightforward enough, but when you lay eyes on the photographs themselves, you ...
The Struggle to Right Oneself - Kerry Skarbakka
- Philosopher Martin Heidegger described human existence as a process of perpetual falling, placing the responsibility of each individual to catch us from our own uncertainty. We are all vulnerable to losing our footing and grasp.
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