Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Joan Torrelles Photography and much more about photography.
Joan Torrelles - Photographer - Allegra Strategies | LinkedIn
- Joan Torrelles is a London-based Graphic Designer, Photographer and Retoucher with over 15 years experience in pre and post-production. Expanding his expertise Joan recently graduated from Shillington College as a Graphic Designer (Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator); primarily focussing on the creative process that leads one to excel in design.
Portfolio by Joan Torrelles
- Hello, I am Joan Torrelles. I am a London-based Graphic Designer, Photographer and Retoucher with over 15 years experience in pre and post-production. I have recently expanded my creative skillset by completing a Graphic Design Course at Shillington College last December.
Joan Torrelles’s projects. Latest projects and work from Joan …
- The latest work from Joan Torrelles,London
El pirata Joan Torrelles - YouTube
- Provided to YouTube by The Orchard EnterprisesEl pirata Joan Torrelles · Els PiratesLa Barca Xica℗ 1994 Audiovisuals de SarriàReleased on: 1994-07-13Music Pu...
Al Pirata Joan Torrelles - YouTube
- Provided to YouTube by The Orchard EnterprisesAl Pirata Joan Torrelles · Duet · Càstor Pérez · Alfons CarrerasHavaneres i Valsets℗ 2002 Audiovisuals de Sarri...
Sasha in car park | A shot from a test shoot I did with …
- A shot from a test shoot I did with Moscow based hairdresser Inna Zhdanova and stylist Anya Teslina in an NCP car park in London. The model Sasha is lit by a softbox high up to camera left. Model: Sasha Hairdresser: Inna Zhdanova Stylist: Anya Teslina Retouching done in Photoshop by Joan Torrelles
Entrevista a Joan Torrellas - Delegado FIS - Iberic …
- Joan Torrellas, delegado FIS para España ha diseñado en el 2012 el Iberic Snowboard Tour con grandes resultados, que ahora se apresta a comenzar su nueva temporada 2013. En esta extensa nota …
Ha mort als 91 anys Mossèn Joan Torrelles Rotellà
- Mossèn Joan Torrelles Rotellà, de 91 anys, va deixar la seva vida mortal en la nit d'ahir, 19 de novembre de 2020. Ens unim al dolor de la seva família. La missa funeral tindrà lloc demà dissabte 21 de novembre a les 10.30 hores a la Santa Església Catedral de Lleida. Mn. Juan Torrelles Rotellà, fill de José i de Francisca, va néixer a Vilanova de Segrià el 17 de març de 1929,
Restaurant Cal Joan - Inici - Ajuntament de Torrelles de …
- Restaurant Cal Joan. Raval Torrelletes, 1 bis - 08629 Torrelles de LLobregat - Barcelona. Nom de contacte: Teresa i Eulàlia Campderrós. Telèfon: 936 890 361. Telèfon: 936 891 141. Adreça electrònica: Horari: De dilluns a diumenge, esmorzars i dinars. Sopars a convenir.
Joan Delatte Photography
- In this digital-overload era, treat yourself to heirloom quality prints of your newborn baby or child that can be passed down for generations. You will cherish both the photos of your baby and the stress-free experience! Call us (985) 633-2216 Email us Joan Delatte Photography-Houma/ Thibodaux newborn baby and child ...
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