Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Jo Sittenfeld Photography and much more about photography.
- Jo Sittenfeld specializes in educational and nonprofit promotional photography, capturing the student experience in an authentic, honest way. Her entire 20 …
Photography — blog — Jo Sittenfeld
- Photography. Growing Up Ethan. March 03, 2016 in Photography. Integer non nisl at mauris faucibus pharetra eu eu mi. Sed vitae feugiat purus. Vivamus dignissim orci eros, nec aliquet odio varius non. Aenean placerat metus et quam scelerisque posuere. Fusce odio velit, rutrum vitae velit vitae, dignissim varius neque.
Josephine Sittenfeld | RISD
- Sittenfeld received a 2015 Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Fellowship Merit Award in photography. Her documentary film, Ethan, premiered at the 2019 Thin Line Film Festival and was adapted into a New York Times Op-Doc called …
Jo Sittenfeld | Photographer | ArchDaily
- Latest images from architectural photographer Jo Sittenfeld. We are currently in Beta version and updating this search on a regular basis.
@PCD: Meet a Knight: Photographer Jo Sittenfeld
- Meet a Knight: Photographer Jo Sittenfeld ... She also works as an adjunct professor at the Rhode Island School of Design, where she currently teaches a range of photography classes and in RISD's "Project Open Door," an after-school program aimed at getting high school students interested in art. She somehow manages to take photographs for her ...
Photographer Photographs Her Friends In 2000 And Then …
- Time is an unstoppable force we have to live with and to highlight its passage, photographer Josephine Sittenfeld has recreated the portraits of her college classmates she took in 2000. During those days, Sittenfeld was a junior at Princeton University.
Jo Sittenfeld – @theclick
- May’s featured photographer was Jo Sittenfeld, an MFA candidate at RISD. I was particularly interested in Jo’s photographs of children at Killooleet, a small traditional, coed camp located in my home state of Vermont, where she has worked for nine summers. ... Check it out here. Published May 23, 2008. Categorized as Photography Tagged Jo ...
Photographer Photographs Her Friends In 2000 And Then In 2017 …
- College reunions might be something you dread, hate, avoid or the complete opposite – look forward to with excitement. For Josephine Sittenfeld, a photographer based in Providence, college reunion was the spark she needed that inspired her series of portraits she simply called “Reunion.” #1 Sophie Image source: Josephine Sittenfeld
A Photographer’s Old College Classmates, Back Then and …
- Photography by Josephine Sittenfeld November 15, 2017 Anna. In 2000, when the photographer Josephine Sittenfeld was a junior at Princeton University, she captured portraits of her classmates on...
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