Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Jim Beckel Photographer and much more about photography.
Jim Beckel Music
- James A. Beckel Jr. Radio. Listen Now! Beckel: Toccata for Orchestra. Beckel: Music for Winds, Piano, and Percussion. Beckel: String Quartet no 1. Beckel: Concerto for Horn "The Glass Bead Game". Beckel: Portraits of …
Photographer Jim Beckel makes images from a boulder above …
- Photographer Jim Beckel makes images from a boulder above Squaw Flat Campground at Canyonlands National Park, Utah, last week. This was Jim’s first trip to the wilds of the Colorado Plateau, but hopefully not his last.
Jim Becker Photography
- 9707 Ironton St Commerce City, CO, US 80022. 720-490-3945. Client Gallery
About James - Jim Beckel Music
- Beckel has also written several works for brass choir and brass quintet. In 2004 the Indianapolis Symphony premiered and commissioned "Fantasy after Schubert" dedicated to their Music Director, Mario Venzago, for the opening …
Jim Beckner | Abend Gallery
- Jim Beckner Jim Beckner’s art vibrates with the pulse of the city. His edgy and energetic paintings give one a sense of motion, and though his subject is gritty, the colors with which he achieves this feeling are far from muddy; in fact, one often finds throughout his work, pure, clean jewels of pigment that pop with life.
Pieces - Jim Beckel Music
- Jim Beckel's music strives to be accessible to American audiences. His music is largely tonal and programmatic in nature. Much of the music Beckel has written was requested by conductors or program directors to fill an empty "niche" in symphonic programming. For example, he has been asked to write an orchestral fanfare for Christmas concerts.
Performances - Jim Beckel Music
- Jim Beckel and Jared Rodin performed "Lament for Two Trombones" at DePauw University on April 25, 2007. March, 2007. Jeff Nelsen, horn soloist, performed "The Glass Bead Game" with The Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra's Wind Symphony on March 11, 2007 at 2:00 PM in the Caruth Auditorium at the SMU Meadows School of the Arts in Dallas, TX. ...
Jim Argo, longtime photographer for The Oklahoman, …
- "Jim was one of the first news photographers on the scene of the Murrah Building bombing, arriving less than 15 minutes after the blast was felt in The Oklahoman's newsroom," said Jim Beckel, a photographer for The Oklahoman. "He helped to lead the newspaper's photo coverage of this tragic event in the days, weeks and months that followed."
Recordings - Jim Beckel Music
- This CD features Christmas music performed by brass instruments. It was released in 1994 under the direction of Thomas Akins. It is available in many fine stores and at museums and concert halls in Indianapolis or it can be purchased directly from Mr. Akins by contacting him at
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