Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Jim Altengarten Photography and much more about photography.
Jim Altengarten - Owner - exposure36 …
- Location: Portland, Oregon, Unit…
APOGEE PHOTO MAGAZINE: Creativity and the Rule of …
- Jim Altengarten is the owner of exposure36 Photography that specializes in landscape photography, creative vision, and photographic education. Jim teaches classes every quarter at the Experimental College of the University of …
Gestalt Theory and Photographic Composition: Proximity
- Visit Jim Altengarten’s article on Understanding Depth-of-field for Landscape Photos to understand the technique. In this photo (left or above) the positive and negative spaces are very deliberately defined. By using the long …
Guatemala - johnseelingerphotography
- Jim Altengarten held his first overseas photo workshop in Guatemala in March, 2009, facilitated by a gracious host family. Six of us arrived early, spending a couple of days photographing in the ancient Mayan city of Tikal, in Antigua and in Guatemala City itself before the workshop began. Once the workshop began, with a total of nine attendees, Jim and our host family brought us to …
Understanding Depth of Field in Landscape Photography
- It’s an easy two-step process for depth of field in landscape photography: First, set your camera to an f-stop that’s one stop open from the minimum available f-stop. If the f-stop range for your lens is f/2.8 to f/22, then …
Jim Lustgarten Photography!
- IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING A PRINT, EMAIL ME AT [email protected] or call 941-524-1820. Scenery. Meigs Falls. Wild Things. Alaska. South Africa. Read about our experience in South Africa …
Jim Altengarten College Stats -
- Jim Altengarten - Stats, Game Logs, Splits, and much more
Baby Boomer Adventure on a Photography Workshop
- Baby boomer travelers on a photography workshop will find adventure, scenery and plenty of advice on taking fabulous photos. Home; ... When Alan signed up for Jim Altengarten’s Northern Arizona workshop at exposure36 Photography, I was skeptical. Would I find enough to do while the students were taking photos? ... Jim allowed me to bring a ...
South Dakota and Wyoming - johnseelingerphotography
- In late September and early October, 2011,with stops in Deadwood City and other interesting municipalities, Keith Eisele and I traveled to Wall, SD, home of the famous Wall Drugs (some may remember a cameo mention in M*A*S*H) for another of Jim Altengarten's workshops in the Badlands National Park and the Black Hills; Teddy Roosevelt buffs will be familiar with these …
Testimonials - Wilderness Yukon
- „A transfer can have a big impact on the overall success of an event. In the planning stage you want to get quick feedback. Later on you need it to be on time.
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