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Jerry Hubbell – Rappahannock Astronomy Club
- Jerry Hubbell Jerry’s Astrophotography Gallery. I am a past RAC President and an RAC astrophotography POC. I am an active Asteroid observer and contributor of astrometry data to the Minor Planet Center (MPC). I am also a member of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO) and the American Association of Variable Star Observers ...
Jerry Hubbell - VP Engineering and Chairman of the OGCSC
- Jerry Hubbell, is the Vice President of Engineering for Explore Scientific, LLC., the Chairman of the Open GOTO Community Steering Committee (OGSC), and the Assistant Director of the Mark Slade Remote Observatory. ... “Scientific …
Scientific Astrophotography: How Amateurs Can …
- "Jerry Hubbell has been using SSON since April 2009 for various remote astronomy projects. His new book Scientific Astrophotography is a well …
jerry.hubbell | aavso
- I have been a visual observer off and on since I was a young lad, I have the past 12 years enjoyed some high-tech astronomical imaging with my 127mm refractor and 8" RC scopes. I have 2 books published by Springer Books, called: Scientific Astrophotography and Remote Observatories for Amateur Astronomers.
Special Guest Jerry Hubbell - Focus On Astrophotography …
- Tyler Bowman invites science imager Jerry Hubbell, VP of Engineering of Explore Scientific and one of the founders of MSRO Science as our special guest. Watc...
Jerry Hubbell |
- is for anyone who wants to learn more about astronomy events, cosmology, planets, galaxies, asteroids, astrophotography, the Big Bang, black holes ...
Scientific Astrophotography: How Amateurs Can …
- by Springer. SKU 978-1-4614-5172-3. BARCODE. $ 49.99. Quantity. Add to cart. Springer; Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series; 333 Pages; Softcover. Written by Gerald (Jerry) Hubbell (of which he is related to the legendary astronomer Edwin Hubble), Scientific Astrophotography may seem daunting at first for the beginner because of the shear ...
Scientific Astrophotography: How Amateurs Can …
- Jerry Hubbell, currently President of the Rappahannock Astronomy Club (, has been an avid amateur astronomer since he was a teenager. However, he developed his passionate interest in astrophotography, and in particular, astrophotography that supports scientific investigation, only about 4 years ago.
Scientific Astrophotography - Google Books
- Jerry Hubbell, currently President of the Rappahannock Astronomy Club (, has been an avid amateur astronomer since he was a teenager. However, he developed his passionate interest in astrophotography, and in particular, astrophotography that supports scientific investigation, only about 4 years ago.
The StarGazer -
- Jerry Hubbell Astrophotography Myron Wasiuta: Mark Slade Remote Observatory (MSRO) Page 3 The StarGazer Volume 7, Issue 4 February 2019–April 2019 : President’s Corner : I am happy to announce that the Rappahannock Astronomy Club now has embroidered gear and patches. Beginning this year, all new members will be
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