Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Jay Kinghorn Photography and much more about photography.
Jay Kinghorn's Blog
- Welcome to Jay Kinghorn's Blog. Recent Posts. The Responsibility of Crowdfunding. March 12, 2013 By Jay Interview with Photojournalist Amy Toensing. March 11, 2013 By Jay ... Photography; Photoshop; Technology; Uncategorized; Value Creative Content; Video; Visual Literacy; Workflow
Jay Kinghorn [jaykinghorn] -
- Jay Kinghorn is an Adobe Photoshop Certified Expert, Olympus Visionary photographer and full-time digital workflow consultant and trainer. He specializes in helping corporations use their photos efficiently and effectively by streamlining workflow processes and improving employee’s skills using Adobe Photoshop.
Jay Kinghorn (Author of Perfect Digital Photography)
- Jay Kinghorn is the author of Perfect Digital Photography (3.54 avg rating, 46 ratings, 3 reviews, published 2005), Perfect Digital Photography (3.33 avg...
The Professional Photographer’s Starting Kit | by Jay …
- Jay Kinghorn’s Blog. The Professional Photographer’s Starting Kit. ... VisionMongers: Making A Life and A Living In Photography Before you hammer out a quick set of business cards, piece ...
Perfect Digital Photography(Second edition): Dickman, …
- Jay Kinghorn is the co-author with Pulitzer-prize winning photographer Jay Dickman of Perfect Digital Photography, (McGraw-Hill 2009. Jay frequently blogs about visual literacy, photography and the impact of technology and mobile publishing on society, commerce and the arts at
Jay Kinghorn's Blog | Are you a Realist or an Impressionist …
- Hi Jay, Interesting discussion. It comes up a lot in the art world, especially in galleries. I believe there is a perception that photography is not art and it has to be “altered” to be artistic. I think photography is an art. There is still composition, color, line, lighting, etc. and a fine art photograph has a place in a gallery.
Jay Kinghorn - Chief Innovation Officer, Co-founder
- Jay Kinghorn Chief Innovation Officer, Co-founder at Zartico (formerly Entrada Insights) Salt Lake City, Utah, United States 500+ connections
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