Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about James Brandenburg Photography and much more about photography.
Photo art : all the photographs by Jim Brandenburg
- He has worked as a photographer for National Geographic magazine for over 20 years, resulting in 19 magazine articles, several television features, and more than 19 books. Jim Brandenburg has published many bestsellers, including Chased …
Jim Brandenburg
- Jim Brandenburg. theend. photoby. We’ve come to the end of my old website. For now, please view my collection here.
Jim Brandenburg - Annenberg Space for Photography
- Jim Brandenburg Photographer Jim Brandenburg works with National Geographic and many more of the world’s top magazines. The National Press Photographers Association twice named him Magazine Photographer of the Year.
Jim Brandenburg - Artist Biography - Global Gallery
- One of the highlights of Brandenburg's career occurred in 1988 when he "discovered" and filmed for posterity a pack of wild Arctic wolves on Ellesmere Island in the high Arctic. It is believed that this was probably the last pack not ingrained with fear of proximity to man.
Minden Pictures - Photographer Portfolios - Jim …
- Minnesota photographer, Jim Brandenburg, began his career as a natural history photographer and film maker while majoring in studio art at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. He went on to become Picture Editor at the Worthington Daily Globe in southern Minnesota.
Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography: Brandenburg, Jim
- In the mid-1990s, Brandenburg set himself the challenge of sharpening and strengthening his photographic eye. Having taken over 300 rolls of film only to see several dozen of these shots published, he began limiting himself to one photograph per day, intensely interrogating the light, his perspective, his subject and more before pushing the button.
At 70, legendary Minnesota nature photographer Jim …
- Jim Brandenburg Brandenburg was 14 when he took a $3 camera to Blue Mounds State Park. He'd learned to squeak like a mouse to attract fox, " I squeaked and squeaked, then peeked up and shot the...
BWCA photography by James Brandenburg
- Kevin Birznieks. Click on the image above to visit Jim Brandenburg's Web site. Brandenburg's photographs have won a multitude of national and international awards with inclusion in "Life Collector's edition - The World's Best Photographs 1980-1990." Mr. Brandenburg is best known for his work with National Geographic and his photography of wolves.
Brandenburg Gallery - Home | Facebook
- Nature photography by National Geographic photographer, videographer and philanthropist Jim... 11 E Sheridan St, Ely, MN 55731-1213
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