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Back to The Future with Irina Werning | Bored Panda
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Irina Werning | Pulitzer Center
- Based in Buenos Aires, Irina Werning is a freelance multimedia photojournalist working on personal projects. She studied for a bachelor's in economics and a master's in history. She worked as a sociologist in London, where she studied for a master's in photojournalism at University of Westminster. Werning won the Ian Parry Scholarship in 2006 ( The Sunday Times …
Irina Werning - Warsaw Witches Association
- Irina Werning / BIO. Our Argentinian associated Witch. Visual artist, soul full of pation and enganement to her vision of the reality. Her imagination brings us joy, takes us to different world and satysfies our sences. Irina is a crative bomb …
Irina Werning - The Eye of Photography Magazine
- Irina Werning. In Back to the Future, the Argentinian photographer Irina Werning finds the humor in recreating pictures taken years ago. This vintage photo lover is a master at reproducing old photos, which often feature children, with a remarkable attention to detail: setting, lighting, clothing.
Irina Werning
- primary menu . projects: back to the future; damned and beautiful; chini project; a day in the life of chini
CV – Irina Werning
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Back to The Future with Irina Werning | Bored Panda
- Irina Werning, a photographer born in Buenos Aires, started an interesting project called “Back to The Future” where she takes someone’s old childhood photo and recreates the same scene with the same person many years later. While the concept of recreated photos might not sound too complicated, she is unbelievably accurate with her photo ideas – it seems that she just found …
Flashbacks of Photographer Irina Werning – Sprungvision
- Irina Werning is an innovative photographer who’s “Back to the Future” project links the past with the present by staging new versions of old photographs, meticulously recreating the look, wardrobe, image quality, lighting, backgrounds, etc.
Back to the Future with Photographer Irina Werning
- The attention to detail is impressive. The images are charismatic, even dynamic in their stillness. Not just with wardrobe and set, but with film stock, blur, image damage, etc. The self-described “obsessive” Werning says: I love old photos. I admit being a nosey photographer. As soon as I step into someone else’s house, I start sniffing ...
Then and Now Portrait Photography by Irina Werning
- Irina Werning is a photographer who loves to look at other peoples’ old photographs. Instead of just admiring the photos, she wonders how people would feel and look if they were to reenact the same photos today. This project, titled Back To The Future features a collection of her photographs of individuals and groups of people reenacting a photograph that …
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