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iD8 Photography
- iD8 Photography is a leading supplier of photography based in Sheffield, specialising in public relations, marketing, press, publicity and corporate work. I am currently working with charities providing support to vulnerable people including the homeless during the Covid19 crisis.
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- See more of ID8 Photography on Facebook. Log In. Forgot account? or. Create New Account. Not Now. Community See All. 131 people like this. 129 people follow this. About See All. Sheffield, UK, S1 2BX. Get Directions +44 7802 587598. Contact ID8 Photography on Messenger. Photographer · Media/News Company.
iD8 Photography
- An archive of photographs taken during Covid19 of vulnerable people in Sheffield and charities that work with those having experienced homelessness or addiction
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- SomeThinG VariEtY. NeW TecHnoLogY IdeA AnD OnlinE NeTworK PlaTforM Alappuzha, Kerala, India
ID8 Photography - Posts | Facebook
- ID8 Photography, Sheffield, United Kingdom. 149 likes. Photographing the many aspects of social issues for 21yrs in a collaborative and imaginative way.
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