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HyperSync process with Pro Photographer James Schmelzer
- HyperSync technology (PocketWizard) is one of the coolest things to ever happen to photography. Drama without Photoshop is a great way to describe HyperSync HyperSync makes dramatic images without the help of Photoshop I've worked with diffusers, gobos, and reflectors all of my life to try and tame the sun.
How To: HyperSync Flash Photography with Joe …
- Tune in every third Thursday to learn firsthand how to film, edit and shoot like the pros, from your favorite videographers and photographers in skateboardin...
Understanding HyperSync and High Speed Sync
- High Speed Sync (HSS) is a Canon technique for syncing flash above X-sync. HSS is called Auto-FP in the Nikon system. This is a speedlight-only technique that pulses light above X-sync. This appears to the camera as a continuous light at faster shutter speeds. A camera and flash using HSS/Auto-FP follow this timeline:
What is HyperSync - Photonics Enterprise
- HyperSync is a feature exclusive to PocketWizard radios that allows you to shoot at speeds faster than your cameras X-Sync while using studio strobes. Unlike HSS/Auto-FP (High Speed Sync) which allows speedlights to sync up to 1/8000th with pulsed light, HyperSync uses precise timing to capture the most flash energy in the frame.
Looking at HyperSync and High Speed Sync - Cornicello Photography
- HyperSync is something that comes to us from the PocketWizard company. PocketWizard is a brand of radio remote triggers that has been around for a number of years. A few years ago they came out with a set of transmitters (MiniTT1) and transceivers (FlexTT5) that can be programmed to time the firing of your flash with the shutter in your camera to allow a …
High-Speed Sync: What Is It and When Should You Use It?
- High speed sync is a flash setting that allows you to shoot with a fast shutter speed (one that’s above your flash sync speed, which is often …
A guide to PocketWizard HyperSync and High Speed
- HyperSync operates with a normal burst of flash, which has much more energy compared to a pulsing flash from HSS. HyperSync also uses precision timing to align the flash’s duration and output curve with the moving …
Hypersync vs. High Speed Sync (HSS) // Which is better …
- Hypersync is an alternative to HSS, both of which allow you to sync flash above your camera's sync speed limitation. The advantage to HSS is convenience and visual consistency. The disadvantage is...
What is High-Speed Sync and when should you use it?
- High-Speed Sync (HSS) allows you to use your flash at a shutter speed that goes above 1/200 of a second, which is a normal flash sync speed on most digital cameras. HSS allows you to set the exposure for a dramatic sky and still get a good exposure on the model as well. For the left picture above, shot in ambient light, Jared set the exposure for the model's face in order …
How to Use High Speed Sync - PhotographyTalk
- High Speed Sync - A mode allowing electronic flash at higher shutter speeds than the normal flash sync speed. Rear Curtain Sync - Triggering the flash to flash to fire just before the rear or second curtain starts to move instead of the standard method …
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