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How To: Using a Circular Polarizer - Digital Photo Secrets
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How to Photograph Reflective Surfaces - Digital …
- The trick here is to use a big light source, and position it in the same opposite angle of your camera, in relation to the photographed object (behind it). You …
Reduce Reflections in Photos With a Cheap, Simple Tool All Pros …
- Reducing glare from reflective surfaces using a circular polarizer is simple, with a twist. Ever notice the bright, white orbs emanating from hardwood floors in pictures? ... Reducing glare from reflective surfaces using a circular polarizer is simple, with a twist. ... If you have been shooting real estate photography for any amount of time ...
How To Photograph Reflective Surfaces - The Main …
- For one of your sources, use a strip light that is narrow enough to not be shown in the mirrored background. For the second use a strobe. It will not be possible to keep all the light out of the reflective surfaces so you will need to keep it as minimal as possible and edit the remainder out in post production.
How to Photograph Shiny or Reflective Surfaces and …
- Perfume bottle set with key and backlighting. Once my lights are in position, I place two bounce cards on each side of the product. They reflect the rays coming from the backlight and bounce it back to the reflective cap. As a result, you get …
How To: Using a Circular Polarizer - Digital Photo Secrets
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How To Shoot Reflective Surfaces For Product Photography
- In order to shoot reflective surfaces for product photography: Understand the law of reflection. Use diffusion materials. Use strobe lighting to cut out ambient lighting reflections. Light the objects your product will reflect. Angle your camera strategically. Spray the …
How to Use a Polarizing Filter - Photography Life
- Using a polarizing filter can increase color saturation in your images by reducing reflections from water, glass, leaves, and other non-metal surfaces. Additionally, using a polarizing filter helps you create deep blue skies in your images. Blue light waves are shorter than red and green waves, causing them to scatter more easily.
How, Why, and When to Use Polarizing Filters - Digital …
- As light waves vibrate and bounce off different surfaces, the direction and rate of the vibration is altered. This is why colors are also affected by polarizing filters. When light reflects off a flat surface, using a polarizer will have a more uniform effect on it. This is because the waves are primarily moving in a similar direction.
How to Use a Polarizer for Landscape Photography
- #3: Using a Polarizer to Add Glare and Enhance Reflections. While you may usually want to remove glare from a scene, there are times when you may also want to add glare, like enhancing a reflection on a lake, showing off the shiny qualities of waxy leaves, or enhancing the reflected light on wet rocks as seen below.
polarizer - Photography Stack Exchange
- 1 - Linearly polarize the light sources and the lens. 2 - Move lights in angles where the specular reflection is minimized. 3 - Remove all other unpolarized light sources (dark room) Although I've been able to greatly reduce the specular reflection, there is still the reflections of the light bulbs themselves as tiny spots or smudges on the plastic and metal glass surfaces.
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