Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Horace H Dudley Photography and much more about photography.
Horace H. Dudley, Photographic Artist, West Bromwich
- Description: A black and white image of Horace H Dudley's Photographic studio, 165 High Street, West Bromwich, with framed pictures in the window. Photographer: H. H. Dudley Photographer: H. H. Dudley
Information on Horace H Dudley (Photographer) (The …
- When he was born he was living at 7 Victoria terrace in Worcestershire with his five siblings and a live in maid. By 24 he was a self-employed Photographer, still living with his parents, but in a house in Dudley (29 queens cross) which is a mosque now. His studio at 14 beeches rd was listed in the phone book since 1926.
Photography Horace H. Dudley, West Bromwich, 94, High …
- Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Photography Horace H. Dudley, West Bromwich, 94, High Street, Portrait Older Da at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Horace.H.Dudley Photograph - Young boy | eBay
- H.H Dudley - Photograph of young boy. 100% of the funds raised from the sale of this item will benefit AEDdonate a charity raising money to place defibrillators throughout the UK. Horace.H.Dudley Photograph - Young boy | eBay
Information on the photographer Horace H Dudley.
- Not sure this may help. I have wedding picture of my mum and dad circa 1962 by Horace Dudley Photography 63 Abbey street Nuneaton . Print; Reply; Pages: 1 [2] RootsChat.Com » Old Photographs, Recognition, Handwriting Deciphering » Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition (Moderator: sarah) » Information on the photographer Horace H Dudley.
Horace Dudley Diaries - Ridges & Furrows
- Horace Dudley Diaries - Ridges & Furrows Horace Dudley Diaries Excerpts from the notebooks of Horace Dudley, Village Photographer, Waddington 1890-1946 copied from the notebooks of the late Rob Sutton by Dave Reeves December 2017. April 11 th 1909
Horace H Dudley (1833-1905) - Find a Grave Memorial
- Horace H. Dudley - Oshkosh, Wis. Mustered in 2-22-1864 as a private in Co B, 36th Wisconsin Infantry. Wounded 6-3-1864 at Cold Harbor, Va. Discharged for disability 1-24-1865. (Contributed by Richard Pielin - 49458621 - 01/27/2018) Read More. Family Members.
Photographer pictured 1000s of fa - PressReader
- The Horace Dudley studios were known for their charitable work in hospitals, visiting patients and taking photographs for free. The smiles and majestic poses in the photos that survive are a testament to the momentary escape from those dreary whitewashed walls. Horace Dudley’s first studio at 165 High Street, West Bromwich
Horace H Dudley buried in Saint Johns Lutheran …
- Horace H Dudley gravesite, tombstone photo and death date. Cemeteries; About; Contacts; Search. Wisconsin; Langlade County; Saint Johns Lutheran Cemetery ... Relatives of Horace H Dudley. Name. Died. Cemetery. spouses. Sophia Lewis Dudley; children. Burnham L Dudley 1916; Allen B Dudley 1885; Who is else Buried at Saint Johns Lutheran Cemetery ...
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