Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about High School Photography Course Description and much more about photography.
HS Photography Course Descriptions -
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HS Photography Course Descriptions -
- HS Photography Course Descriptions. Photography encompasses both traditional and digital technologies. Explore a career as a photographic studio assistant, corporate or advertising photographer, or freelancer in fashion, illustration, and/or still-life photography. This course is the perfect introduction to digital photography. You'll learn how to use exposure, F/stops, shutter …
Art & Photography Course Descriptions | Fort Collins High …
- Art & Photography Course Descriptions 1211 | Two Dimensional (2D) Design: 5 credits – grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – Fine & Applied Arts – no prerequisite, Fee $25 This is one of the two prerequisites for all studio art courses. The course emphasizes the importance of a strong foundation in the Art Elements, through the use of 2-dimensional art media.
Photography Online Courses | High School Elective Classes
- Home - High School Courses - Photography Course Curriculum Outline. Photography -1.0 Credit. Course Description: Students explore the aesthetic foundations of art making using beginning photography techniques that include color and/or black and white photography via digital media and/or traditional photography.
Photography Classes - Madison High School Photography
- Photography 1. This is a basic course in photography designed to offer experiences with a point-and-shoot camera. Various camera settings will be learned to offer greater creative and technical control. This course builds the foundation for visual literacy regarding both form and content of photographic images.
Photo 1 Syllabus | Photography Classes @ MERHS
- Demonstrate proficiency in using a digital camera and digital editing software Use and maintain photographic equipment Solve visual problems creatively Reflect on artwork of ones own and of others Participate constructively in critiques Assessments (what things will be graded?) Photographs Written Assignments Digital Skills Assignments
- Course Content: Photo 1 is a beginning course which addresses photographic theory, technical issues, applications, composition, practice and history. This course provides the basis for advanced film photography, digital photography, video and …
Photo 1 Syllabus
- (909) 357-6300 x16336 Course Description Digital Photography is a yearlong introduction to the digital camera as an art-making tool designed for students at the beginning level. The course will use digital photography to help students learn and apply the basic elements of art and the principles of design.
Class Syllabus: Photography 101: Beginner to Intermediate - More ...
- By successfully completing this course, students will be able to: Understand basic camera operations. Summarize operating a camera. Summarize types of film. Demonstrate aperture and shutter speeds. Identify TTL light meter. Demonstrate depth of field. Determine how to choose appropriate lenses. Demonstrate lighting techniques.
How to Make an Absolutely Awesome High School Photography …
- Photo Assignments : This is also an ongoing unit. Introduce a new photo assignment weekly and give them a full week to complete it (don’t forget to give them reminders! They’ll need them!) Legal Issues in Photography : This unit gives students a basic …
Digital Photography Syllabus & Course Outline - Holy …
- Digital Photography Syllabus & Course Outline Holy Savior Menard High School 2018-2019 Course Description: Digital Photography is a yearlong course that focuses on understanding the basic operations and functions of a digital single lens reflex camera and the manipulation of its settings to achieve a specific result. Students will learn about
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