Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about High School Photography Class Description and much more about photography.
HS Photography Course Descriptions -
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HS Photography Course Descriptions -
- HS Photography Course Descriptions. Photography encompasses both traditional and digital technologies. Explore a career as a photographic studio assistant, corporate or advertising photographer, or freelancer in fashion, illustration, and/or still-life photography. This course is the perfect introduction to digital photography. You'll learn how to use exposure, F/stops, shutter …
Photography Classes - Madison High School Photography
- Photography 1. This is a basic course in photography designed to offer experiences with a point-and-shoot camera. Various camera settings will be learned to offer greater creative and technical control. This course builds the foundation for visual literacy regarding both form and content of photographic images.
Class Descriptions Photography - ACE
- Class Descriptions: Photography. Eligible photos must have appeared in an article, publication or series of publications, website or exhibit. Judging criteria: Technical quality 25%, Creativity/originality 25%, Audience interest/impact 25%, Overall evaluation 25%. Judging Rubric. Photography 1 | Feature photo: one image that effectively tells a story: A single image that tells …
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Photo 1 Syllabus | Photography Classes @ MERHS
- Composition – seeing the scene in front of you. Camera angles and focal length. Photojournalism. Conceptual photography. Directed scenes. A step further – installations and other art forms. Commercial photography. Digital photography. Personal expression.
Class Descriptions | Creative Photography Workshops
- TEEN INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY. Enhance your way of seeing and take your photographic vision to the next level. Through fun assignments and critiques, students will advance their technical photographic skills with the primary emphasis on creative camera work. Student furnishes fully manual digital camera and printing.
How to Make an Absolutely Awesome High School Photography …
- Photo Assignments : This is also an ongoing unit. Introduce a new photo assignment weekly and give them a full week to complete it (don’t forget to give them reminders! They’ll need them!) Legal Issues in Photography : This unit gives students a basic …
- This is explained further in class. Course Content: Photo 1 is a beginning course which addresses photographic theory, technical issues, applications, composition, practice and history. This course provides the basis for advanced film photography, digital photography, video and film making. The content offers the student the
Photography Project Ideas for High School in 2022
- 5. A Day in Life. One of the shortest high school photography projects can be a “Day in Life” photo session. You will to choose the models and photograph them the entire day. To specify the concept of your project, you can photograph the life of people engaging in different professions.
Photography Class - Earthschooling
- Description This class is designed for students interested in learning about photography or practicing their passion for photography. This class includes instruction on basic photographic technique, 100 days of practice lessons, a section on wildlife photography, portraits, action photography, close-up photography, art and abstract photography and much more.
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