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Wild by Nature Gallery
- featuring the wildlife and landscape photography of Henry H. Holdsworth. Located near the town square in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The Wild By Nature Gallery was created to showcase the best of Henry's work in the form of limited edition, custom printed photographs, notecards and books. photography by Henry Holdsworth
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Henry Holdsworth's great photography - Review of Wild …
- Jackson's galleries are terrific but my favorite is Wild by Nature that features the breathtaking Henry Holdsworth nature photos. Many are taken in the Jackson area, primarily Grand Teton NP but some of his best from Alaska and other places are here. Prints in all sizes, including some smaller framed items.
Portrait of Jackson Hole & the Tetons: photography by …
- In a Portrait of Jackson Hole & the Tetons, Henry H. Holdsworth introduces you to a Jackson that is spectacular and mysterious. In 131 photographs culled from 25 years of work, Holdsworth covers all aspects of the valley, from Jenny Lake in Grand Teton National Park to the world-famous ski areas, from the fence-high snowdrifts on the Triangle X Ranch to the National Elk …
Grand Teton Fall Color - Outdoor Photographer
- Text & Photography By Henry Holdsworth. Updated April 30, 2021 I watched this bull elk (lower right) tussle with an aspen tree until he had lodged a sizable branch in his antlers. Feeling good about his new look, he headed toward his harem to impress the ladies. Unfortunately for him, his group of cows became frightened by his new decoration ...
Wild by Nature Gallery
- Henry takes great pride in his pursuit of photographs that capture the true feeling of wild places and the animals that live there. He looks forward to the opportunity to share these images with you. Each limited edition photograph from our gallery is signed and numbered by the artist and printed on the finest photographic papers available.
Wild by Nature Gallery
- Stunning color photography of Jackson Hole and the magnificent Grand Tetons. Gorgeous seasonal images include the Teton range, Grand Teton National Park, wildflowers, wildlife, and more from accomplished resident photographer Henry H. Holdsworth. • 12 x 12 • twelve-month wall calendar with several inset photographs
Photograph Moose in Winter - Arizona Highways PhotoScapes
- Join resident photographer and wildlife biologist Henry Holdsworth to photograph moose in winter. Henry will lead a small group of photographers to area moose habitats. This workshop is limited to 8 photographers. Henry will bring us in close proximity to cows, calves, and bulls meandering through the snow.
Grand Teton National Park Photo Workshop • Wyoming, USA June …
- Henry Holdsworth is an expert in photographing the wildlife of the Grand Teton National Park. With his extensive knowledge you will learn where, when and how to take the best photographs possible of this amazing landscape. Register early – this workshop is limited to eight participants. Workshop Includes: • Photographic instruction
Tips for Photographing Wildlife in Grand Teton National Park
- Acclaimed Jackson Hole photographer Henry Holdsworth calls Ashleigh his "owl whisperer." “Henry and I have had so many fun adventures together and we’ve seen so many amazing things,” she says. “We’ve photographed river otter families in the snow, pouncing foxes in Yellowstone, Great Gray Owls and grizzlies in the Tetons, and so much more.
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