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Heard Nature Photographers
- Heard Nature Photographers Jun 18 Mid America Flight Museum Jun 18, 2022 Nov 4 Beavers Bend State Park We’re taking our best shot for Fall Color and the agenda is still up in the air. So much will depend on Mother Nature. Roughly, we’ll plan on a Saturday morning sunrise photography outing and then follow the wonderful color in the foliage.
About The Contest — Heard Nature Photographers
- The Heard Nature Photography Contest predates the Heard Nature Photographers Club by several years. The contest began in 1978, three years prior to the club being formed. Soon after the formation of the club, the museum asked the club members to help with the contest and so began a long-lived partnership.
About The Club — Heard Nature Photographers
- The Heard Nature Photographers Club is an auxiliary group hosted by the Heard Natural Science Museum in McKinney, Texas. We are an affiliate of the Photographic Societies of America and focus our attention on nature photography. This is where nature photography enthusiasts in North Texas meet. Meetings
Membership — Heard Nature Photographers
- Thank you for becoming a member of the Heard Nature Photographers Club. We really appreciate having you as a part of our growing family. Our association is better because of you. Due to COVID and the need to meet via Zoom, our membership in the …
Join The Club — Heard Nature Photographers
- Heard Nature Photographers 441 Cherry Spring Drive McKinney, TX 75072 Agreement of Waiver of Liability I acknowledge that there are risks involved in participating in field trips, events or activities of the Heard Nature Photographers Club, and I accept full responsibility for any injury or accident to myself.
Club History — Heard Nature Photographers
- The Heard Nature Photographers Club was established in 1981 and has served the nature photography enthusiast ever since. For an insight into the history of the club we asked two founding members to share their stories about the early years of the club. (The date these letters were written is unknown. Circa 2008.) Letter From Ramona Putman
Heard Nature Photographers - Facebook
- Heard Nature Photographers Private group · 193 members Join group About this group The Heard Nature Photographers Club meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Heard Natural Science Museum in McKinney at 1:30PM. Meetings i … See more Private Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Visible Anyone can find this group.
Heard Nature Photographers - Facebook
- The Heard Nature Photographers Club meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Heard Natural Science Museum in McKinney at 1:30PM. Meetings include announcements and updates about field trips and guest speakers with topics of interest. Members are invited to participate in frequent field trips, workshops, and programs at the Heard.
Heard Natural Science Museum Homepage - Heard …
- Bringing Nature and People Together Founded in 1967, the Heard is a private 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization and consists of a 289 acre nature preserve and a natural science museum and exists to bring nature and people together to discover, enjoy, experience, restore, and preserve our priceless environment. Learn More
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