Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Harbour City Photography Club and much more about photography.
Harbour City Photography Club – Nanaimo's Photography …
- Whether you are 12 or 112, raw beginner or seasoned pro, the Harbour City Photography Club has something for you. We offer courses and presentations at all levels from local and world-wide experts, group outings, photo challenges, social events and more. Grab your camera or your phone and join us today!
About Harbour City Photography Club -
- About Harbour City Photography Club Background: The Harbour City Photography club began in Nanaimo in 1991 when a group of friends placed an advertisement in the local papers to see if anyone was interested in belonging to such a club. The first meeting welcomed over fifteen people and the essence of the club was born.
Members Galleries – Harbour City Photography Club
- Note: To have your images added to this page you must be a member of the Harbour City Photography Club (HCPC). Wayne Buhr. Brian Clemens. Judy Hancock Holland. Brad Powell . Sue Nurmi . Lynda Stevens. Denis Dore. Linda McBride. Jane Sheers. Thank You to our PhotoSalon Sponsors: Island Exposures - Parksville.
Photo Salon 2022 – Harbour City Photography Club -
- Photo Salon is hosted by the Harbour City Photography Club and is endorsed by the Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA), the prime photography group in Canada. Why Enter? The Photo Salon offers public recognition to photography and awards for high quality work.
HCPC - Harbour City Photography Club - Home | Facebook
- HCPC - Harbour City Photography Club Local Business in Nanaimo, British Columbia About See All Contact HCPC - Harbour City Photography Club on Messenger Local Business Page Transparency See more Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page.
Harbour City Photography Club - $2.6 Million Revenue | Kona Equity
- Harbour City Photography Club Founded in 1991 Description Harbour City Photography Club is set in Nanaimo, BC. It offers activities and workshops to its members, and amazing opportunities to develop skills. Strengths There are no known strengths for Harbour City Photography Club Weaknesses
Harbour City Photography Club - YouTube
- Harbour City Photography Club is a very active photography club in Nanaimo, British Columbia. Whether you are 12 or 112, raw beginner or seasoned …
HCPC - Harbour City Photography Club Group
- HCPC - Harbour City Photography Club Group has 61 members. HCPC group is a "closed" group and only open to members of the Harbour City Photography Club. Please share your photos and comment on others. Be courteous, and kind to your fellow members. Have fun.
Nanaimo’s Harbour City Photography Club weathering pandemic …
- Rooney Dumler says the Harbour City Photography Club’s willingness to adapt to change is what has kept it going during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dumler, president and program director for the local photographers’ group, is also a member of an inter-provincial photography organization and said she’s seen other clubs shut down over the past ...
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