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George Robinson Fardon – HiSoUR – Hi So You Are
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Luminous-Lint - Photographer - George Robinson Fardon
- Unidentified photographer George R. Fardon (1807-1886) 1858 Family history If you are related to this photographer and interested in tracking down your extended family we can place a note here for you to help. It is free and you would be amazed who gets in touch. [email protected] Exhibitions on this website
George Robinson Fardon - artist, news & exhibitions - photography …
- Lots 101 & 102, George Robinson Fardon (1807-1886), Panoramas of San Francisco No. 1 & 2, 1854-1856, Two salt prints , 9.8 x 19.2 cm
Luminous-Lint - Photographer - George Robinson Fardon
- Photographs of the Most Beautiful Views and Public Buildings of San Francisco] 1855 (ca) George Robinson Fardon. View of a portion of the City and Bay, from Taylor street - in the distance the U.S. Hospital. [San Francisco Album.
George Robinson Fardon - Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian …
- Born in 1807, in Birmingham England, George Robinson Fardon travelled to New York in the 1840s.1In 1849 he moved to San Francisco, where he became a well-respected photographer among the upper classes.2He is considered to have been "the first American to …
George R. Fardon, View from Rincon Point, from the San …
- Other Works by George R. Fardon. George R. Fardon. South Park, plate 23, from the San Francisco Album: Photographs of the Most Beautiful Views and Public Buildings of San Francisco. ca. 1856. Please note that artwork locations are subject to change, …
George Robinson Fardon - Biography
- George Robinson Fardon (1806 - 1886) was active/lived in United States. George Fardon is known for Photography. Artist auction records. askART's database currently holds 0 auction lots for George Robinson Fardon (of which 0 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)
Mission Dolores, by George Robinson Fardon, San …
- Photographer Fardon, G. R. Date Created 1856 Collection OpenUCLA Collections Miriam Matthews Photograph Collection Notes Description Exterior view of the Mission Dolores church and out buildings. This photograph was published in Fardon's book San Francisco album: photographs of the most beautiful views and public buildings of San Francisco, pg. 30.
Vintage: Views of San Francisco by G. R. Fardon (1856)
- Fardon (1806-1886), arrived in San Francisco at age 43. He is credited with introducing the wet collodion photographic process to California and experimented with paper photographs as a means for wide distribution of his pictures. Order book via: California Street, San Francisco by G. R. Fardon (1856)
Check Out This Trove Of Gold Rush-Era San Francisco Photography
- Several dozen photographs from around San Francisco, all taken by George Robinson Fardon in 1856, have just resurfaced via the digital collection of Southern Methodist University's libraries. Among...
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