Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Gary Felton Photography and much more about photography.
Gary Felton - Fine art photography from the Caribbean to …
- Instagram @jackthesailingdog and @gary.felton After 5 years outfitting a 28′ sailboat we are exploring the Caribbean searching for photographs before commercialism and global warming destroys so many of natures most stunning scenes. This is true also for our great National Parks like Yellowstone.
Gary Felton - Official Website
- Gary Felton is not only a photographer, but also a creative expert. Earning a degree in photography from Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, California in 1973. Gary has accumulated over 30 years of experience as an advertising/commercial specialist.
Gary Martin Felton
- Gary Martin Felton Photos by Gary Felton. As an Englishman living on the outskirts of Vienna I am in awe every time I drive to this amazing and beautiful city My main focus are the streets of Vienna, rarely do I shoot the typical tourist attractions which are beautiful, but in my opinion only show a very limited aspect of Viennese life.
Gary Felton - Bristol Channel Cutter "Angelsea"
- Education: I have a degree in Photography from Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, California. I also studied Ocean engineering for 4 years. I wanted to drive deep submersibles. Although today I would have a hard time doing a trig problem. When I was about ready to graduate in Engineering, there were no operating submersibles in the US.
Sailing without an engine - a... - Gary Felton Photography
- Gary Felton Photography April 11, 2021 · Instagram · Sailing without an engine - a sea story Even though I have an engine now. I thought you all would enjoy this story from the days of sailing on my 22' Falmouth Cutter, Anglesea, without an engine. It's the morning of December 21st, the winter solstice and a total eclipse of the moon.
7 Caribbean photos by Gary Felton ideas | caribbean, …
- Sep 18, 2017 - Photographer Gary Felton sailing the Caribbean with Deb his wife and Jack the sailing dog. Follow along and live the adventure. . See more ideas about caribbean, tropical wall …
Gary Felton and Jack the Sailing Dog are creating …
- Become a patron of Gary Felton and Jack the Sailing Dog today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators. ... A personalize leather bound coffee table book of Gary Felton photography. Join $250 Tier. Show more tiers. Posts. Media type. Tier. Month. Newest to oldest ...
Gary FeLtOn GOLF
- The Gary Felton Golf Show You can improve Performance Coaching and Stress Management PDF TRACKMAN COMBINE for serious golfers compare yourself if you dare! I Aim to help you perform to your very best ability. Consistently! Its Important to me that you really understand your game. that you: get world class effective and efficient coaching
Mary Felton Photography - Home - Facebook
- Mary Felton Photography. 441 likes. My love of travel takes me to many exciting places. I enjoy sharing my experiences through photographs. I hope they bring you the same pleasure!
Gary Sexton Photography
- San Francisco Bay Area photography. Specializing in headshots, events, advertising, art and museums. ... Specializing in headshots, events, advertising, art and museums. 0. Skip to Content Gary Sexton Photography. Work People Museums Commercial Studio About Rates Contact Login. Open Menu Close Menu. Gary Sexton Photography. Work People ...
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