Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Galeone Photography Maryvale and much more about photography.
Galeone Photographers
- With over 50 years of experience, we deliver the highest quality photography experience and photographic imaging to last a lifetime for you. Our History... Address. F. Paul Galeone Photographers 2161 Greenspring Dr. Timonium, MD 21093. Phone: 410-252-5355 Fax: 410-252-3854. Company info. About Us. Contact Us. Sitemap. Terms & Conditions. Thank You!
Galeone Photo Lab
- Galeone Photographers have been in business since 1960. First a leader of photography in the Maryland area, and now a leader in digital processing across the nation. Equipped with the latest technology in conventional and digital photography, we are able to provide all of your imaging needs. All of our processing is done in-house by our staff of highly trained professionals.
About Us - Galeone Photographers
- F. Paul Galeone Photographers. Born in 1931 to Italian immigrants, Angelo and Rita Galeone, Francis Paul, known to many as Mr. Frank started his photography business in 1961 by taking baby pictures in peoples' homes in order to supplement his salary as a City College High School math teacher. It was a service called "kidnapping".
Galeone Photo Lab » Our Services
- Staffed with the most experienced photographers, computer artists, technology specialists and administrative staff, Galeone Photographers has pledged to serve the Greater Baltimore area for over 50 years. Select from the list below to view our services in the studio: Restoration; Studio; Printing; Events Photography; Digital Art
F. Paul Galeone Photographers
- Event photos. High quality event photoraphy at your fingertips. View and select your event's best photos and get them printed on various types of paper and sizes. Browse events.
Maryvale Preparatory School Pictures
- Galeone Photographers have been in business since 1960. First a leader of photography in the Maryland area, and now a leader in digital processing across the nation. Equipped with the latest technology in conventional and digital photography, we are able to provide all of your imaging needs. All of our processing is done in-house by our staff of highly trained professionals.
Pay for your Photos - Galeone Photo
- Daytime Phone. Email Address. Package (s): Payment Total: You must still hand in the order envelope on Picture Day. We will not be held responsible for anyone who did not come to the camera to have their picture taken. We will not be held responsible to process the order for anyone who came to the camera without their envelope.:
Galeone Photo Lab » School Portraits
- Home » School Portraits. F. Paul Galeone Photographers has been providing professional photography services in the Baltimore area for over 45 years. Our photographers are experienced and dedicated persons who strive to take exceptional pictures that will long be remembered and treasured. All photos carry 100% money-back guarantee—no ...
Galeone Photo Lab » School Portraits » Seniors
- Congratulations Seniors! You have come a long way for this memorable day. Your senior portrait is one of the most important events of your senior year, and we strive to help you make the most of this milestone. In addition to our studio, we also provide a beautiful outdoor garden as the natural backdrop for your senior portraits.
F. Paul Galeone Photographers Inc.
- Ordering your children's photos online is easy now! How does it work? Just enter your personal access code from your access card or your proof card. Then, search in the album for the photos that you like best and choose how you want to order them.
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