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Farm Security Administration - Wikipedia
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How FSA Photography Changed the World
- Perhaps one of the best examples of the FSA's work is the image known as "Migrant Mother" by Dorothea Lange. In 1936, while traveling through …
The FSA Photographs: Information, or Propaganda?
- During Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency, the Farm Security Administration, a part of his New Deal bureaucracy, produced a multitude of well-known photographs documenting the impact of the Great Depression on rural America. This photographic record of the Depression, which provided work for photographers as well as illustrated the need for often vigorously …
Photo History: Color Images From The FSA: The Farm …
- In the annals of American photography the images made by Farm Security Administration (FSA) photographers in the 1930s and 1940s are …
FSA Photographers | Wessels Living History Farm
- The FSA built a remarkable collection of more than 80,000 photographs of America during the Depression because they hired great photographers and a great administrator to lead them. Roy Stryker was an economist from …
The Art of History: The Farm Security Administration
- The Art of History: The Farm Security Administration Jack Delano (1914-1997). Delano was one of the FSA's most prolific photographers—at least 5,000 of his photographs have... Walker Evans (1903-1975). Evans is probably the FSA photographer most recognized for his artistic ability. Several major... ...
History of USDA's Farm Service Agency
- The Farm Service Agency traces its beginnings to 1933, in the depths of the Great Depression. A wave of discontent caused by mounting unemployment and farm failures had helped elect President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who promised Americans a "New Deal." One result was the establishment in 1935 of a Department of Agriculture agency with ...
How Photography Defined the Great Depression - HISTORY
- The FSA created a historical archive unlike any made before. By the time the project was finished, FSA photographers had taken some 250,000 photographs.
Aerial Photography - Farm Service Agency
- Customer Services. Data Management. Data Inspection. Technology Coordination. The Aerial Photography Field Office (APFO) website content has moved to Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) Geospatial Enterprise Operations (GEO). Please visit our new FPAC Geospatial Enterprise Operations (GEO) website.
Farm Security Administration - Wikipedia
- The Farm Security Administration was a New Deal agency created in 1937 to combat rural poverty during the Great Depression in the United States. It succeeded the Resettlement Administration. The FSA is famous for its small but highly influential photography program, 1935–44, that portrayed the challenges of rural poverty. The photographs in the FSA/Office of …
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