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The Fresson process by André Rouillé - The Darkroom Rumour
- none
Fresson Printing Process — Musée Magazine
- The process was initially used for monochromatic prints, and later on was used to make the first direct color carbon print. Still to this day, the Fresson family keeps some elements of the process a secret but make sure it stays alive. Located in the outskirts of Paris, their workshop is the only one in the world to produce such prints.
Fresson Process - | Photography Forums
- This book describes Artigue’s or Fresson Process as “A method of carbon printing without transfer, as invented by M. Artigue of Paris”. It gives a working method due mostly to a M. Duchochois for which it claims, if carefully followed, gives results very similar to M. Artigue’s “Papiers Velours”.
The Fresson Process Film Excerpt - YouTube
- This photographic printing process using coal makes it possible to obtain paper prints that do not deteriorate in light and which have a very special luminosity and grain. The well-known...
The Workshop | The Fresson Process - The Darkroom …
- Synopsis. In the secrecy of their workshop, a real time capsule that takes us back to the 19th century, the Fresson grandson and great-grandson are at work. Guardians of a legendary photographic process, they can spend up to two weeks on a single print. An intimate film that offers insight into a technique, but also into a family of craftsmen who have been part of the …
Freeson Process/Prints | Photography Forums
- The Fresson process is similar to Carbon printing but involves other steps to produce better positive images. The process is nearly as archival as platinum. As long as the gelatin and substrate are fine, the pigments in the image should remain as permanent they chemically able (ie. lampblack - very long time) doug_doyle|1, Jan 25, 1999 #1
Atelier Fresson
- The colour charcoal process : quadrichromie. It is Pierre FRESSON, one of the inventor's, who in 1952, executed the first print in direct charcoal colour ( without transfer). The enlargement described previously is the same but a previous technique of colour separation in black and white negative enables the pigmentary print to be made.
- of the most beautiful is the Fresson, or direct-carbon process which is threatening to become extinct as large exhibition-print sized negatives for the necessary contact printing are trying to pass beyond the armoury of the present-day photographer. Most present-day textbooks on photography, if they list this process at all, refer to it as obsolete.
Fresson Process - | Page 2 | Photography Forums
- The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography has a short but highly explanatory section on Fresson. At the time of my Third edition (1993), not only was Fresson still doing prints but also, under license, Luis Nadeau in Canada. ... Luis Nadeau is listed as the person who has the Fresson Process rights, and of course he has written may books which I ...
The Eye of the Photographer: Travels in Color - LensCulture
- The Fresson process is a rare and unique way to print color: it can be called “charcoal printing” as well. The grandfather, Theodore Henri, invented the process in 1899 and his son Pierre followed up. Later Michel and now Jean François—four generations, in all—carry on the tradition.
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