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Film Photography Project Store
- 35mm Compact Cameras. More 35mm compact cameras ›. 35mm Film Camera - Ilford/Harman Reusable Camera (with 2 rolls of film) Regular price. $3099. $30.99. Sold Out. 35mm Film Camera - Kodak Funsaver. Regular price.
Home - The Film Photography Project
- Store; Podcast; Videos; Content. FPP Projects; Features; News; Reviews; How-To or What is; About; Donate to the FPP; Search this website. FPP PROJECTS. 620 Film Lives at The FPP! June 18, 2020. The Film Photography Project LOVES 620 film. Why you ask?…
Movie Film – Film Photography Project Store
- The FPP offers a variety of 8mm, Super 8 and 16mm Movie Film! Where can I get a camera?! Now is a great time to start shooting Super 8 and 16mm movies! Before purchasing a vintage camera, check with your parents, grandparents, aunt or uncle and see if a working camera is lying around in a closet or attic. When buying a vintage camera always ask ...
How To Store and Care for Film - The Film Photography Project
- Store KODAK color papers and display materials at 13°C (55°F) or lower in their original sealed packages. You can store unexposed black-and-white films for short periods of time at temperatures up to 24°C (75°F). For storage over long periods of time, maintain the following storage temperatures for black-and-white film whenever possible ...
Svema Film – Film Photography Project Store
- The Film Photography Project Store is proud to be the official US distributor of Sveman Branded Film! Svema film was produced at the Svema Chemical Plant in Shostka, Ukraine from 1931 - 1990s. The new Svema film is also produced in Shostka utilizing much of the equipment from the old Svema factory, then shipped to FPP
Kodak Film – Film Photography Project Store
- 120 Color Film - Kodak Portra 160 (Single Roll) Regular price. $1099. $10.99. Super 8 Film - Kodak 50D / 7203 Color Negative. Regular price. $3499. $34.99. Super 8 Film - Kodak Ektachrome 100D Color Positive Film.
120 Film – Film Photography Project Store
- 120 / 620 - Black Plastic Snap Case (Set of 5) Regular price. $499. $4.99. 120 BW Film - Dracula 64 (1 Roll) Regular price. $1999. $19.99. 120 BW Film - Frankenstein 200 (1 Roll)
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