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Quick Question: Meade ETX-80AT - Beginners Forum (No …
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Meade ETX 80 Review: Deep Space, Automized.
- Meade ETX 80 is a deep-space performer at heart, but it can perform well with planets as well. It has an 80mm aperture and a 400mm …
Meade ETX-80AT-TC Astro Telescope with AutoStar
- The Meade ETX-80 is great for travel or a first telescope. Automatic 1400 object location and tracking with intuitive controls. AutoStar Suite Astronomer Edition …
How soon should I stop using an ETX-80 for astrophotography?
- I did quite a bit of imaging with an ETX-60 and ETX-80 and I had a lot of fun. The time to move on is when you are ready. The problem that I had was that what started as a quickie curiosity experiment turned into something of an obsession. Enjoy!
Meade ETX 80 Observer Telescope Review (Model 205002)
- Aperture: 80 mm (3.15”) Focal Length: 400 mm. Focal Ratio: f/5. Eyepieces Included: 26 mm, 9.7 mm. Our Verdict: Getting GoTo capability for under $500 is a stunning deal. Aimed at the entry-level market, the Meade ETX80 is entry-level in quality, but with AudioStar, multiple mount features, and wide-field viewing, this compact and lightweight ...
Meade ETX-80AT-TC Telescope, Meade EXT 80 …
- Meade ETX-80AT-TC Go-To ComputerTelescope is the latest replacement for our all-time best seller telescope, the Meade ETX-70AT Telescope. With a new, larger aperture, the Meade TC Go-To Telescope features a built-in Barlow lens, and is a powerful companion for exploring the universe at an incredibly attractive price. The Meade GoTo 80mm Telescope may be the …
Meade ETX-80 AT-TC - 80mm - 90mm Refractors - Cloudy Nights
- Jan 04 2007 02:45 AM | Luca Cheli in 80mm - 90mm Refractors. Discuss this article in our forums. Meade ETX-80 AT-TC. Background. I live in Turin, northwest Italy near the Alps (45-deg03' N , 7-deg 41' E) and I started stargazing more than twenty years ago at the age of sixteen, first with a pair of 16x50 Pentax binoculars and then with a Meade ...
ETX80 Observer Refractor Telescope - Meade Instruments
- The ETX80 Observer has a Achromatic Refractor optical design to enjoy close-up views of land and celestial objects anytime, anwhere. Packing your telescope and tripod at a moment's notice is a breeze with the comfortable and durable (INCLUDED) backpack. The ETX80 Observer also includes a lightweight and portable tripod with dual-fork mount. : Meade Instruments 0805-04-20 ETX-80AT Astro …
- Meade Instruments 0805-04-20 ETX-80AT Astro 3.1-Inch 88-Millimeter Refractor Telescope Kit, AutoStar (Blue/Black) Brand: MEADE. 3.1 out of 5 stars 17 ratings. ... compact design makes this telescope ideal for astrophotography with superior optics and light-gathering ; Offers sharp and finely detailed images of the moon ; Includes a Barlow lens ...
Meade ETX-80AT-TC BB Refractor Telescope with Backpack
- Meade ETX-80AT Backpack #0805-04-20. This special Backpack version of the ETX-80 includes a deluxe durable backpack allowing convenient transport and storage of both the telescope and included accessories. ... Orion's telescope and astrophotography accessories will enhance your telescope enjoyment without breaking the bank. Expand your viewing ...
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