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Erik Prasetya: Portraying Indonesia Through The Lens Of Optimism
- Erik Prasetya: Portraying Indonesia Through The Lens Of Optimism. Rob Yates. 2 February 2016. View. A boyish, inspiring optimism is the force fueling Erik Prasetya’s latest print-project, so far untitled and predicted to be released in 2015. Furthermore, after four decades of working with black-and-white film, the Indonesian photographer has switched to bold digital color images …
Erik Prasetya: Invigorating Banal Aesthetics | TED Talk
- Erik Prasetya is a pioneer of street photography here in Indonesia. For around 35 years he has worked as a photographer to publish several books. He recorded various moments of the Reformation era 21 years ago, from day to day, from events …
Erik Prasetya – Photo Demos
- Prasetya has amassed a documentary journal of a Southeast Asian city--in this case, his adopted home of Jakarta—that has no parallel amongst the photographers from the region. …perhaps Prasetya's greatest contribution to …
Erik Prasetya, Pelopor Fotografi Jalanan yang Setia ... - Dewi …
- Pendekatan yang dilakukannya disebut street photography atau fotografi jalanan, yang di masa tersebut belum populer di Indonesia. Ia menjelaskan pada eranya dahulu, tepatnya pada tahun 1997, menjelang krisis moneter di Indonesia, Erik Prasetya bersama dengan Sebastiao Salgado, fotografer dunia yang kala itu dibantu Erik untuk memotret kota ...
Photography and Jakarta with Erik Prasetya - Whiteboard Journal
- Photography and Jakarta with Erik Prasetya. 10.07.13. Photography and Jakarta with Erik Prasetya Athina Ibrahim (A) talks with Erik Prasetya (E) by Athina Ibrahim . A. How did you get into photography? E. My mother bought a camera for me to document family potraits when I was ten years old. I then was more skilled compared to her.
Erik Prasetya ( of Estetika Banal & Spiritualisme Kritis)
- Erik Prasetya is the author of Estetika Banal & Spiritualisme Kritis (3.59 avg rating, 51 ratings, 15 reviews, published 2015), On Street Photography (4....
Erik Prasetya’s Photo Exhibition: Banal Aesthetics
- Erik Prasetya’s Photo Exhibition: Banal Aesthetics. by Muhammad Hilmi. Banal aesthetics is a concept formulated by Erik Prasetya in approaching Jakarta through street photography. He started producing Jakarta’s “photographic records” 25 years ago and offers a distinctive approach. Banal aesthetics also offers a broader way to view aesthetics through …
Erik Prasetya’s Women on Street - Thoughts and Memories
- Erik is among the few of Indonesian photographers who can write to explain his ‘art’. In fact, I don’t know any other Indonesian who does that. He posited that Indonesian photography scene is short on precedents. The Indonesian maestros rarely left literatures on their take to the art of photography.
Info » Erik Prasetya -
- Erik Prasetya. 1 like. Erik Prasetya adalah perintis genre street photography di Indonesia. Ia sudah berkarir sebagai forografer sekitar 35 tahun dan telah menerbitkan beberapa buku yaitu; Women On Street, Album Kenangan Eros & Reformasi, dan bersama Ayu Utami menulis buku berjudul Estetika Banal dan Spritiualisme Kritis. Erik Prasetya adalah perintis genre street …
Erik Prasetya (@banalaesthetic) • Instagram photos and …
- 3,542 Followers, 274 Following, 94 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Erik Prasetya (@banalaesthetic)
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