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Canon EOS 10D for astrophotography? - Stargazers Lounge
- 10D is a cracking camera, and for £100 on the s/h market hard to beat. not red sensitive out of the box (can be modded) , it will make a nice wide field camera, if your dob will reach focus with it Jupiter et al, forget it...the camera is very wide field, combined with say an F5 Dob, jupiter will be a tiny blob in the middle
10D advantage in astrophotography?: Canon EOS 7D / …
- All forums Canon EOS 7D / 10D - 90D Talk Change forum. 10D advantage in astrophotography? Started Jul 10, 2004 ... Can the 10D provide some advantage in the field of astrophotography that may be a determinant in the purchase of a particular telescope model? Obviously, the camera cannot increase the light-gathering power of a telescope, but can ...
Canon EOS 60D Astrophotography vs Canon EOS 10D
- Manufacturing. These cameras are both manufacturered by Canon. Canon EOS 60D Astrophotography were released 2012 and Canon EOS 10D was released 2003. That is a 9 years difference. In tech, this period of time can be of interest since technology is always improving etc.
Canon 30d for astrophotography: Canon EOS 7D / 10D
- Astrophotography is an extremely specialized art and is very expensive. In my opinion, the camera is only about 20% or less of the outlay to begin to get images that are good. Magazines like Astronomy, or Sky And Telescope show the work of people who dedicate their lives to this niche, and their wallets.
EOS 20D verseus EOS 10D comparison - Astrosurf
- The difference aspect of the 10D and 20D is confirmed in the documents below. The RGB channel are equaly added for produce a black & white image. The 10D image is more boosted (see halo around Gamma Cas) but also more noisy. EOS 10D image - B&W negative view Stack of five 30 sec. exposure - Temperature: 5°C EOS 20D image - B&W negative view
How to Modify Your DSLR for Astrophotography - Sky
- An off-the-shelf DSLR works splendidly for most astro-imaging. They also work very well on star clusters (both open and globular), reflection nebulae, and most galaxies. The main compromise involved in using a DSLR instead of a dedicated astronomical camera is …
10D Astrophotography Lens Suggestions | Photography …
- 10D Astrophotography Lens Suggestions. Discussion in 'Canon EOS' started by kenneth betts, Nov 17, 2004. kenneth betts. I'm looking to buy one or two lenses for wide field astrophotography with my EOS 10D. I'd like to get lenses I can shoot around f/2.8 without corner distortions. I already have the 50 f/1.8 Mk II, but it isn't good enough at f ...
Astrophotography Cameras - Whats The Best Choice for Beginners?
- The Canon EOS Ra full-frame mirrorless camera (30.2 MP CMOS Sensor). Camera Lenses for Astrophotography. I have used a number of lenses for astrophotography purposes over the years, and a few models stand out above the others. Below, you’ll see 3 Canon L-Series lenses of varying focal lengths that I like to use on assorted projects.
The Rokinon 135mm F/2 was Built for Astrophotography
- A Full Frame, Prime Lens. The Rokinon 135mm F2.0 is considered to be a full-frame lens because it can accommodate a full-frame image sensor with its 18.8-degree angle of view. In this review, however, I am using the lens on a crop sensor (APS-C) Canon EOS 60Da, which puts the field of view at 12.4 degrees.
7 Astrophotography Tips (And Camera Settings) To Put Into Action
- There are some general best practices and camera settings that apply to many types of astrophotography, including those shooting the night sky with a basic camera and lens. Use manual or bulb mode. Use a “fast” aperture of F/2.8 – F/4. Set your white balance setting to daylight or auto.
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