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Electrophotography - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
- Electrophotography, also called xerography, is the primary technique used in photocopiers and laser printers. This is the most commonly used toner printing system. Others include ion deposition (ionography), electrostatic, magnetographic (magnetography), and …
electrophotography | photography | Britannica
- See all related content →. electrophotography, any of several image-forming processes, principally xerography and the dielectric process, that rely on photoconductive substances whose electrical resistance decreases when light falls on them; it is the basis of the most widely used document-copying machines. In xerography, a light exposure is made upon a uniformly …
6.3 Electrophotography – Graphic Design and Print …
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Electrophotography Overview
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Electrophotography and Development Physics: Edition 2
- Electrophotography and Development Physics focuses on the complicated and increasingly important technology found in photocopiers and laser printers. An introduction chapter acquaints the reader with the technical history of electrophotography, its current and projected markets, and also alternative related copying and printing technologies.
Electrophotography Definition & Meaning - Merriam …
- Definition of electrophotography. : photography in which images are produced by electrical means (as in xerography) Other Words from electrophotography Example Sentences Learn …
Definition of electrophotographic | PCMag
- In 1938, electrophotography was invented by Chester Carlson in Queens, New York, and his first of 28 patents was issued in 1940. By 1947, Haloid …
Electrophotography and Development Physics
- Electrophotography (also called xerography), the technology inside the famil iar copier, has become increasingly important to modern society. Since the first automatic electrophotographic copiers were introduced in 1959, they have become indispensable to the modern office and now constitute a multi billion dollar industry involving many of the world's largest corporations.
6.4 Electrophotographic Process – Graphic Design and …
- 6.4 Electrophotographic Process. The electrophotographic process consists of seven stages (see Figure 6.4). For the purpose of this text, we will be describing the process using a negatively charged dry toner. The process is the same for a positive toner except the polarity would be reversed in each stage.
Xerography - Wikipedia
- Xerography is a dry photocopying technique. Originally called electrophotography, it was renamed xerography—from the Greek: roots ξηρός xeros, meaning "dry" and -γραφία-graphia, meaning "writing"—to emphasize that unlike reproduction techniques then in use such as cyanotype, the process of xerography used no liquid chemicals.
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