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The Story Behind Albert Einstein’s Iconic Tongue Photo
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What's the Story Behind That Wacky Einstein Tongue …
- A Timeless Tongue The image that the Guardian calls "arguably one of the best known press photographs of any 20th century personality" was …
The story behind Albert Einstein's most iconic photo
- The photo of Einstein sticking out his tongue is world-famous It was March 14, 1951, the day Albert Einstein turned 72. The famous physicist, who was born in Ulm, Germany, had already been living...
The True Story Behind Einstein's Quirky Tongue Photo
- Everyone knows Einstein's quirky and iconic tongue photo, but few know the story behind it. Here's what was happening at that exact moment. ...
Einstein's tongue - a picture from the past
- The theoretical physicist Albert Einstein sticks his tongue out while leaving his 72nd birthday celebration on 14 March 1951. Sasse's oft-parodied photograph has appeared on everything from mugs ...
The Story Behind Albert Einstein’s Iconic Tongue Photo
- By the time the famous tongue photograph was taken, in 1951, things were a lot quieter for Einstein. He had spent the war years teaching at Princeton and generally basking in the adulation of a world that thought he was the greatest genius of all time.
Here’s The Story Behind Albert Einstein’s Most Iconic …
- Einstein’s one of the most iconic photographs of all time, in which he sticks his tongue out, further glorifies Golden’s statement. The …
Einstein sticking his tongue out, 1951 - Rare Historical …
- Albert Einstein sticks out his tongue when asked by photographers to smile on the occasion of his 72nd birthday on March 14, 1951. The shot was taken on Einstein’s 72nd birthday right after an event in his honor was finished at Princeton on March 14, 1951. While walking with Dr. Frank Aydelotte, the former head of the Institute for Advanced Study, and Mrs. Aydelotte …
What Did Einstein Write on the Back of His Photo with Stuck Out …
- The famous tongue photo of Einstein was taken by Art Sasse in 1951 after the scientist's birthday party. He was really tired and didn't feel like having taken a photo of. That's why he simply stuck out his tongue when the photographer asked him to pose. However, the photographer managed to take the photo on time and Einstein just loved it.
Einstein's Tongue: Here’s the Story Behind Albert Einstein’s Most ...
- Einstein's Tongue: Here’s the Story Behind Albert Einstein’s Most Iconic Photograph of All Time . January 14, ... His originally signed photograph was sold at an auction on June 19, 2009, for a staggering $74,324! Interesting facts: He …
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