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APO Doublet vs Triplet - Refractors - Cloudy Nights
- none
ED Doublet APO vs a Triplet APO for AstroPhotography
- And it just is not so. True, triplet means the manufacturer is working very hard. But he may or may not be succeeding as well as the doublet …
Doublet vs Triplet - AstroBin
- OK. 8.87. Wei-Hao Wang. # 8/19/2019. Triplets do not only have better color correction, but also have better correction for spherical aberration. So even if you use a filter, even a narrow-band filter, you will find that triplets give you sharper stars than doublets, provided that they have similar aperture, F-ratio, and glass material. That ...
Doublet VS Triplet - Getting Started With Imaging
- Regardless of the type of glass used, fast doublets and triplets have more CA than a scope of similar design and aperture but with a slower F ratio. It is not appropriate to compare these to each other. A good triplet will almost always outperform a doublet of …
APO doublet vs triplet refractors for astrophotography
- There is a lot of factors involved in telescope's image quality: design (achro/apo/petzval, with/wo flattener, etc.), glass used (flint/crown, ED, fluorite, etc.), F-ratio, how tightly manufacturer controls their quality, and so forth. All of this makes it possible for a triplet to actually have worse color correction than a doublet, and that ...
Nice optics doublet or so so optics triplet???: …
- Fluorite doublet; FPL-51 triplet; FPL-53 doublet; There is no such as Fluorite or FPL-53 triplet because of price [band new], so above choices are almost in closer prices or cheaper, and i am talking about wide field so small scopes, not 80mm aperture and larger. ... For astrophotography, I’d probably be looking more at the mechanics than at ...
Good FPL53 doublet vs triplet for astro and daylight shooting?
- Good FPL53 doublet vs triplet for astro and daylight shooting? ... My goal is both astrophotography and daylight game/bird shooting with a sony a6000 and a panasonic GX80. You do not loose - without the extra lens you get additional blue halos around bright stars. To fully correct a lens for chromatic abberation three lens elements are required.
Doublet vs. Triplet - Getting Started With Imaging - Stargazers …
- A bit on the slow side but with a sensitive camera more than capable of producing great results. The focuser adequate. As for other EDs from other makes you have to do a bit of research or ask around. A good triplet will outperform a good doublet but at a price. A.G.
A doublet [ED] for astrophotography? - The Backyard Astronomy …
- Hi all, Is a doublet scope good for astrophotography? And i am only thinking about Ha filter or narrowbanding filters in general and only Lum filter, not RGB filters, and maybe no OSC camera, but let's say we add OSC camera then we use that L/LP filter to kill/reduce halo, but in general, is it great enough to have sharp contrasty images same or similar to a triplet?
ED doublet vs triplet : AskAstrophotography
- Doublets are not as good at controlling chromatic aberration as triplets, but how pronouncd the difference is depends on focal ratio and the type of ED glass used. If it's a long focal ratio telescope like F/8 or F/9, and the ED element in the doublet is flourite or FPL-53, then a triplet will have little advantage.
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