Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Digital Cameras Photography And Picture Vocabulary and much more about photography.
A Glossary of Digital Photography Terms | B&H eXplora
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101 Photography Terms You NEED to Know | Camera …
- Aperture. It’s an iris mechanism, which controls the amount of light that gets through the lens. It also affects the depth of field. The relative size of the …
A guide to basic photography terms | Adobe
- Basic photography terms. Aperture: The part of the camera that opens to let light in. The f-stop or f-number is the measurement of how open or closed the aperture is. Depth of field: The difference between the closest and farthest in-focus objects in a photo. A shallow depth of field means that relatively close background objects become blurry.
From A to Z: Photography Terms Glossary -
- Aspect ratio. Aspect ratio defines the relationship between an image’s lengths, represented as width:height. It is predetermined by the dimensions of the camera’s sensor, but can be altered in post processing. The most common aspect ratios are 3:2 (full-frame, mirrorless, 35mm film) and 4:3 (most DSLRs). Recently, 4:5 has gained popularity ...
25 Photography Terms All Beginners Need to Know
- Aperture. This is the first common photography term you should learn. Simply …
ESL test: Digital cameras, photography and picture vocabulary
- Search results: Free English test You will find everything related to your search phrase "Free English test" on our vocabulary building pages such as parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, modifiers, etc.), common words, idioms, phrases and expressions, word definitions from online dictionaries, free word and sentence translation, …
digital photography definitions Glossary of digital …
- This digital camera term means one million (1,000,000) pixels. Camera manufacturers describe the size of a digital camera's sensor in megapixels and abbreviate the term as "MP". An 8 MP camera has a sensor that has about 8 million pixels. Caution: sensor size is not the only thing to look at when comparing digital cameras. Mirrorless
Camera Vocabulary - Funky English
- ISO – acronym of International Organization for Standardization – sensitivity to light (of a camera) macro lens – noun – a lens used to take photos extremely close to the subject; shoot – verb – to photograph or film (something) shutter speed – noun – the length of time when the film or digital sensor inside the camera is exposed to light
Digital Photography Ch.1, Camera Basics Vocabulary
- A camera that records an image directly in digital form, instead of an conventional silver film. Exposure*. 1. The act of allowing light to strike a light-sensitive surface. 2. The amount of light reaching the surface controlled by the combination of …
Digital cameras, photography and picture vocabulary
- <TABLE align="center" width="100%"> <TR> <TD align=center>You can take our ESL grammar test when you <A HREF="" style ...
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