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In 1917 two English girls came home with a photograph of fairies
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Two Girls Fooled the World with Photos of Fairies …
- The fairies came to be called the "Cottingley Fairies". They appear in a series of five photographs taken by the two cousins, Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths (photo at the right) who were living in Cottingley, England. The 1st two …
The Cottingley fairy hoax of 1917 is a case study in how …
- One hundred years ago, two girls went down to the stream at the bottom of a garden in Cottingley, England, and took some photographs of fairies. The fairies were paper cut-outs, which Elsie Wright,...
In 1917, Two Girls Tricked The World With Pictures Of Fairies
- It must be too hot for them there’. “ O ne Saturday afternoon in July 1917, Elsie Wright borrowed her father’s camera and set off with her cousin, returning half an hour later claiming to have photographed a group of fairies they played with in the wood. Elsie, aged 16, and her 9-year-old cousin Frances Griffiths, claimed the magical creatures lived in the woods …
These photos were taken by two little girls in 1917, and …
- The film was a bit of a snoozer but it was my introduction to the true story of two little girls who, between 1917 and 1920 took beautiful b&w glass plate photographs of one another interacting with fairies in the forest behind their home in Cottingley, England.
The Cottingley Fairies: A Famous Photo Hoax from 1917
- The hoax began in 1917 when two cousins named Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths (aged 16 and 10, respectively) claimed to have discovered fairies and, after borrowing a camera, produced photos to...
Fairies and Fake News: Lessons of the 1917 Cottingley …
- Two young girls, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In 1917, ... so the cousins hatched a plan to photograph the fairies to prove they were real. …
How Two Young Girls Convinced the World That Fairies Exist
- Cameras were a rare commodity in 1917, but Elsie’s father, Arthur Wright, was an amateur photographer and agreed to lend his camera to the two girls. The second photo taken by Elsie and Frances in September 1917. Here Elsie Wright is pictured with a fairy stepping on her skirt. (Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons via Public Domain, USA)
Two English Girls Photographed Fairies in 1918
- Gardner obtained two photos and studied them. He needed confirmation this was really two girls capturing documentary evidence of fairies and a gnome. He took the photos to Harold Snelling, a photography expert. Snelling got back to him. The photos, he said, were real. Indeed, on close inspection, the fairies seem to have moved. More proof was found.
Meet The Fairies That Captured the World’s Imagination in 1917
- In 1917 two young girls were able to convince crowds that fairies were indeed among us! Many in the literary and spirituality circles of Europe believed that they were looking at actual photographs of fairies after two young girls, cousins, had created a charming series of photographs that seemed to show a supernatural phenomenon.
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