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Definition of caption - iDigitalPhoto Dictionary
- none
Caption Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- 1 : the part of a legal document that shows where, when, and by what authority it was taken, found, or executed. 2 a : the heading especially of an article or document : title. b : the …
What does Photo caption mean? - definitions
- Photo captions, also known as cutlines, are a few lines of text used to explain or elaborate on published photographs. In some cases captions and cutlines are distinguished, where the caption is a short title for the photo, while the cutline is a longer, prose block under the caption, generally describing the photograph, giving context, or relating it to the article.
Definition of caption - iDigitalPhoto Dictionary
- caption Definition: Short text written on or supplied with photograph: serves to e.g. identify subject; provide any information e.g. proper names, dates, circumstances not evident from looking at photograph; illuminate intention of photographer; serve to open up layers of meaning deeper than identifiable content of photograph.
Writing photo captions | International Journalists' Network
- A photo caption should provide the reader basic information needed to understand a photograph and its relevance to the news. It should be written in a consistent, concise format that allows news organizations to move …
8 Tips for Writing Perfect Photo Captions (For Any …
- A good photo caption is informative and catchy. It explains the story of the photograph and provides context. An outstanding photo caption can change the mood of the image. It can lead to different interpretations. A good caption can turn an average picture into an iconic and world-known photograph. Consider the picture of the kissing couple below.
Caption - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |
- A caption is a brief description accompanying an illustration. You know the online photo of your baby cousin face-planting into a cake? The description underneath it that says "Hugh's First Birthday" — that's the caption. The Latin root of caption is capito, which means "seizing" or "holding." What do captions have to do with seizing? Nothing.
Caption Definition & Meaning |
- See synonyms for: caption / captioned / captioning on noun. a title or explanation for a picture or illustration, as in a magazine, newspaper, or book. a heading or title, as of a …
Caption Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
- Britannica Dictionary definition of CAPTION. [count] : a sentence or group of words that is written on or next to a picture to explain what is being shown. The caption on the picture says “This year's contest winners.”.
Caption Definition - Creative Glossary
- General Caption definition A caption is used as a title for a picture or an illustration; frequently a caption is a short phrase. It should refer and relate to the content used around it. Referring Terms Cutlines block-level / block level Share
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