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Indexicality and Visualization: Exploring Analogies with Art, Cinem…
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The iconic indexicality of photography | Piotr Sadowski
- The unique visual appeal of photography results from combining the basically iconic code (resemblance between image and referent) with indexicality. Photography is indexical insofar as the represented object is “imprinted” by light and the chemical (or electronic) process on the image, creating a visual likeness that possesses a degree of accuracy and “truthfulness” …
Definition and Examples of Indexicality - ThoughtCo
- An indexical expression (such as today, that, here, utterance, and you) is a word or phrase that is associated with different meanings (or referents) on different occasions. In conversation, interpretation of indexical expressions may in part depend on a variety of paralinguistic and non-linguistic features, such as hand gestures and the shared ...
What does indexicality mean? -
- Indexicality. In linguistics and in philosophy of language, an indexical behavior or utterance points to some state of affairs. For example, I refers to whoever is speaking; now refers to the time at which that word is uttered; and here refers to the place of utterance. For Charles Sanders Peirce, indexicality is one of three sign modalities, and is a phenomenon far broader than language; …
Realisms and Indexicalities of Photographic Propositions
- Indexicality has traditionally been discussed in the literature on photography in much the same way folk ideologies understand photos as related to reality. Peirce too used the photograph as a prime example of spatiotemporal contiguity and causality, light impressing upon film.
Indexical Images in Visual Storytelling |
- Indexical Images. Picture a commercial of a young child receiving an ice cream cone. He jumps up and down excitedly, and the ice cream falls out of the cone and onto the floor.
Indexicality and Visualization: Exploring Analogies with Art, …
- Peirce defines indexicality first as a trace or imprint of the physical, a direct contiguity. He points to a footprint (as index to presence) and lightning (as index to storm). A second definition is that of the ‘pointing finger’. There is a strongly bifurcated aspect to Peirce’s definition, which is
Indexicality - The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia
- In linguistics and in philosophy of language, an indexical behavior or utterance points to (or indicates) some state of affairs. For example, I refers to whoever is speaking; now refers to the time at which that word is uttered; and here refers to the place of utterance. For Charles Sanders Peirce, indexicality is one of three sign modalities, and is a phenomenon far broader than …
Digital Technology, Indexicality, and Cinema - OpenEdition
- Indexicality is certainly crucial to the idea of the still or the moving image as a means for documenting actual events, as Mitchell points out. This is significant in the case of still images, where fictional representation has been a very minor …
Truth claim (photography) - Wikipedia
- Charles Peirce 's term 'indexicality' refers to the physical relationship between the object photographed and the resulting image. Paul Levinson emphasises the ability of photography to capture or reflect "a literal energy configuration from the real world" through a chemical process. Light sensitive emulsion on the photographic negative is transformed by light passing through …
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